Browsing by Author Matzui, L.Yu.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites Filled with Carbon and Co3O4 Nanoparticles Len, T.A.; Vovchenko, V.V.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Turkov, O.V.; Zhuravkov, A.V. Article 81 86
2019 Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Ternary Composites Graphite Nanoplatelets/TiO2/Epoxy Vovchenko, L.L.; Len, T.A.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Turkov, O.V.; Perets, Yu.S. Article 111281480 157035842
2019 Interface Interaction as a Factor of Dielectric Properties of Epoxy-based Composites with Graphite Nanoplatelets Yakovenko, O.S.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Perets, Yu.S.; Vovchenko, L.L.; Klepko, V.V.; Lobko, Ye.V. Article 50955404 92838506
2023 Microwave Properties of Carbon Magnetic Shell Structures, Based on Glass Microspheres, With a Coating Consisting of Ferromagnetic Compounds and Nanocarbon Yakovenko, O.S.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Vovchenko, L.L.; Turkov, O.V.; Olyinyk, V.V.; Zhuravkov, O.V. Article 270 457
2022 Microwave Properties of GNP-Polymer Composites with a Segregated Conductive Network Syvolozhskyi, O.A.; Lazarenko, O.A.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Vovchenko, L.L.; Oliynyk, V.V.; Zagorodnii, V.V.; Mamunia, Y.P. Article 3916466 5766942
2017 Resistivity of Graphite Intercalation Compounds with Bromine and Aluminum Chloride under the Pressure Ovsienko, I.V.; Len, T.A.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Zhuravkov, O.V.; Prokopov, O.I.; Kunitskyi, Yu.A. Article 352779213 762815906
2020 The Structure and Transport Properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified by Cobalt-containing Complexes Ovsiienko, I.V.; Len, T.A.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Golub, O.A.; Prylutskyy, Yu.I.; Tsaregradskaya, T.L.; Saenko, G.V. Article 11380434 4447057
2019 The Structural Studies of Phase Transitions in the Graphite Intercalation Compounds with Iodine Chloride and Bromine Ovsiienko, I.V.; Len, T.A.; Prokopov, O.I.; Borovoy, M.O.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Syvolozhskyi, O.A. Article 14623403 17888724