Browsing by Keywords Украина

Showing results 1 to 20 of 233
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of quarantine effectiveness in Ukraine Lobatiuk, M.; Dunaieva, Maryna Mykolaivna Conference Papers -338160941 429480986
2020 Assessment of financial monitoring efficiency in the banking system of Ukraine Bukhtiarova, Alina Hennadiivna; Semenoh, Andrii Yuriiovych; Razinkova, M.; Nebaba, Nataliia Oleksandrivna; Józef, Antoni Haber Article 512307723 584902161
2022 Border Battle: Fighting on the Ukrainian-Moscow Border in 1660–1661 Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Osadchij, E.M.; Gut, J. Article 1347268226 -354885119
2013 Characteristics of crime in Ukraine Podolkova, Svitlana Vitaliivna; Motryuk, A.D. Conference Papers 1960574078 -93937303
2016 Comparison between poverty in Nigeria and Ukraine Anaga, S.I. Conference Papers 357137328 261606455
2023 Concept «Ukraine» in the system of cultural language interpretation Liashenko, Alina Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 23193 23438
2016 Correspondence between the academician Evgeny Fedorov and Tsou Yi-Hsin: materials to the history of latitude investigations Pryn, M.O.; Pryn, O.V.; Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych Article -450979443 1993430342
2015 Correspondence Between the Academician Evgeny Fedorov and Tsou Yi-Hsin: Materials to the Historyof Latitude Investigations Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Pryn, M.O.; Pryn, O.V. Article 622633156 632419151
2020 The Covid-19 influence on Ukrainian economy and national labour market Litsman, M.A.; Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna Conference Papers 851985979 1634321313
2021 Cучасні напрями підвищення зайнятості населення України Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Маслій, М.Ю.; Нікуліна, М. П. Conference Papers 570317156 1042916115
2020 Economic and mathematical modeling reasons for differentiated development of pandemic in ukraine Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Kashcha, Mariia Oleksiivna; Басанець, С. Conference Papers -439833787 -208912307
2022 Economic competitiveness of green energy business projects in Ukraine Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Kovalenko, Yevhen Volodymyrovych; Martymianov, A.S.; Nikulina, M. P. Article 1868426723 -1094975148
2021 Economic Crisis in Ukraine Caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic Miroshnychenko, K.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Conference Papers 143196837 126314840
2017 Economic diplomacy in Ukraine: state and tasks Omelyanenko, V.; Skoryk, V. Conference Papers 1524422132 -1185465970
2017 Elements of positivism in the Ukrainian philosophy and culture of the second half of the 19th century Artiukh, Viacheslav Oleksiiovych Article 973642904 1035217629
2013 Emerging HIV epidemic in north-eastern Ukraine: monitoring among different population groups Piddubna, Anna Ivanivna; Chemych, Mykola Dmytrovych Article 773958594 -146543848
2020 Energy efficiency drivers for sustainable development: the case of Ukraine Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Kubatko, Oleksandra Viktorivna Conference Papers 12956213 7625835
2017 Event tourism for transboundary cooperation Kornus, Anatolii Oleksandrovych; Siutkin, S.I.; Kornus, O.H.; Danylchenko, O.S. Conference Papers -578131538 1785348125
2021 Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine Пономарьова, Є.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna Conference Papers 1178850196 270235791
2022 Forming solar business prosumers class: the case of Ukraine Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Kurbatova, Tetiana Oleksandrivna Conference Papers 20118 10622