Browsing by Keywords миграция

Showing results 1 to 20 of 47
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Analyses Of Demographic Changes, Labor Market Trends, And Challenges In Albania Hoxhaj, M.; Muharremi, O.; Nushi, E. Article 372956544 -2046315590
2020 Analysis of Factors Influencing the Dynamics of Labor Emigration: Case-Study of Ukraine Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Barvinok, Veronika Yuriivna; Barvinok, Veronika; Дурановскі, В. Article -1602547514 747700077
2017 Corruption and migration policy. EU crisis management revisited Sysoieva, Larysa Yuriivna; Kleinschmidt, H. Article 62734217 -442638384
2012 Diaspora as external economic source of human resources for the sustainable development of the home country Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna; Hovhanesian, H. Article 1785763783 -559415282
2021 Education and migration: identifying interconnections Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna Conference Papers 61126690 55788165
2020 Effects of International and Internal Remittanaces on Financial Inclusion in Ghana Gatsi, J.G. Article -195985024 -497910828
2021 Environmental migration and country security: Theoretical analysis and empirical research Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Волік, К. Article -389983073 366940657
2021 How discrimination against the LGBTQ + community affects migration and socio-economic development of countries in the world Shapoval, V.Yu. Bachelous Paper 1619758946 -1735196844
2020 Impact of highly qualified personnels migration on economic and innovative development Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Stoyanets, N.; Butrym, O. Conference Papers -1059844608 -1059223431
2021 International Migration As A Driver Of Country Development Pudryk, D. Article 1843406395 -2066747341
2017 Labor Movements, Mainly in Eastern Europe Kleinschmidt, H. Article 507347313 -906611056
2020 Migration, environment, and country safety: analysis of touchpoints Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Волік, К. Article -965446168 1674724307
2018 The Role of Economic Development in Migration Processes Matsenko, Oleksandr Mykhailovych; Turchyna, Tamara Vasylivna; Ткаченко, О.М.; Солодова, Є.Д. Conference Papers 2975776 3505440
2015 State Regulation of Labor Migration Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna; Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Новак, Ксенія Article 259804593 -945127187
2023 Towards Achieving Sustainable Development: Interactions between Migration and Education Pudryk, D.; Kwilinski, Aleksy; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 1357250307 1041107748
2013 Transnational Aspect of Migration in Modern Globalization Process Kuriy, L. Article 25979060 19548649
2018 Адміністративно-правовий статус Державної міграційної служби України Яременко, Н.С. Masters thesis 4 2
2013 Актуальні проблеми міжнародних міграційних процесів в Україні Даценко, А.О. Conference Papers 16448167 11966633
2012 Алгоритм міграції даних у масштабованому хмарному сховищі Бур'ягін, М.В. Conference Papers 3831717 3980180
2021 Аналіз впливу міграції на розвиток економіки та бізнесу Бондаренко, М.О. Bachelous Paper 1635330046 -561172084