Browsing by Keywords TEM

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Chemical, Structural and Optical Properties of ē-Beam Evaporated Tungsten Diselenide Polycrystalline Thin Film Patel, Maul M.; Patel, K.D.; Pathak, V.M.; Srivastava, R. Article -1187882493 272609120
2012 Determination of Metal Nanoparticles Size Distribution in Gold Hydrosols of Plasmonic Absorption Spectra Bolesta, I.M.; Gamernyk, R.V.; Shevchuk, O.M.; Kushnir, O.O.; Kolych, I.I.; Konstantinowa, T.E.; Zaichenko, A.S. Article 42037939 51224884
2019 Effect of Annealing Time on the Optical and Structural Properties of ZnO Nanorods Bhunia, A.K.; Pradhan, S.S.; Saha, S. Article 1241114190 1000113638
2013 Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing of CIGS Thin Film as an Absorber Layer Ray, J.R.; Desai, M.S.; Panchal, C.J.; Rehani, Bharati; Mehta, P.K. Article -1441728005 449378328
2013 Effects of Cold Deformation and Electron Irradiations on Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Zr – 1 %Nb Alloy Mats, V.O.; Morozov, O.M.; Kulish, V.G.; Zhurba, V.I.; Mats, O.V.; Ivanova, S.V. Conference Papers 98145994 107425125
2020 Features of the Initial Stage of the Formation of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Thin Films Malykhin, S.V.; Kondratenko, V.V.; Kopylets, I.А.; Surovitskiy, S.V.; Shipkova, I.G.; Mikhailov, I.F.; Zubarev, E.N.; Bogdanov, Yu.S. Article -1365024804 688420564
2011 Investigation of implantation-induced damage in indium phosphide for layer transfer applications Dadwal, U.; Pareek, V.; Scholz, R.; Reiche, M.; Chandra, S.; Singh, R. Article 1479514481 956400408
2023 Investigation of the Effect of Chromium Replacing with Cerium in Magnesium Ferrite on the Dielectric and Structural Properties Younis, H.A.; Hussian, W.A.; Ahmed, O.A.; Omar, M.H. Article 1176 1861
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article 1597184343 -279460456
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article 934300755 1489963065
2013 Structural Properties of the Nanocrystallized Magnetite of Different Syntheses Kuznetsov, V.N.; Stanislavov, A.S.; Danilchenko, S.N.; Kalinkevich, O.V.; Kalinkevich, A.N.; Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych Conference Papers 1157351100 1355770318
2020 Structural Studies of Mechanically Alloyed Fe1 – xAlx Powder Khan, S.; Vyas, A.; Rajan, S.; Jani, S.; Brajpuriya, R. Article 162038795 76426349
2017 Synthesis and Optical Absorption Properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles for Applications in Transparent Surface Coatings and Solar Cells Samanta, P.K.; Das, M.; Hati, R.; Patra, M.; Khatun, A.; Patra, S.; Jana, S.; Kar, B.S.; Mandal, S.; Mandal, A.K.; Aich, D.; Saha, S.; Kamilya, T.; Mishra, S. Article -934450766 -460507327
2012 Synthesis of Novel Nanoparticles by Using «Europium Instead of Indium in the Conventional CIS Composition for Photovoltaic Application» Loni, E.; Zolriasatein, A.; Shokuhfar, A. Conference Papers 400958794 239058623
2013 The Study of the Influence of Static Magnetic Field on Brushite Crystallization in the Presence of Magnesium Kuznetsov, V.N.; Yanovska, A.A.; Stanislavov, A.S.; Danilchenko, S.N.; Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych Conference Papers 85973441 82827063
2012 Thermoelectric Characterization of Nanostructures of Bismuth Prepared by Solvothermal Approach Banerjee, D.; Dhara, P.; Chatterjee, K.; Kargupta, K.; Ganguly, S. Conference Papers 26425168 29295148
2012 Unlocking the Secrets Behind the Resin-Gel Synthesis for the Controlled Formation of Anatase and Rutile Franklyn, P.J.; Narrandes, A. Conference Papers -1987210363 -24093297
2015 Нанокомпозити на основі полібутилентерефталату, синтезованого з циклічних олігомерів бутилентерефталату та мультистінних вуглецевих нанотрубок Бардаш, Л.В.; Файнлейб, О.М.; Григор’єва, О.П.; Буато, Ж. Article 27862910 39411562
2012 Одержання і властивості гібридних колоїдних наночастинок Au-CdSe Балицький, О.О. Article 2869276 8608038
2016 Синтез та дослідження структурних, оптичних і фотокаталітичних характеристик V2O5/TiO2 нанокомпозитів Халявка, Т.О.; Камишан, С.В.; Циба, М.М.; Щербаков, С.М. Article 39198586 35117624