Browsing by Keywords environmental protection

Showing results 1 to 20 of 63
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2006 Analysis of Environmental Funds in Belarus and the Republic of Moldova Dzioubinski, O. Article 277249859 1009739599
2017 Another side of new technologies Bezvershenko, V. Conference Papers 562376786 1068902471
2022 Do environmental protection investments contribute to environmentally-oriented SDGS? Vorontsova, Anna Serhiivna; Rieznyk, O.; Treus, Alla Anatoliivna; Oleksich, Zhanna Anatoliivna; Ovcharova, Nataliia Viktorivna Article -93686576 1741956076
2018 Eco-organizations in Ukraine - potential for an organized national eco-movement Chayen, Samuel; Makarenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Гнатенко, К. Conference Papers 378894852 -574223503
2015 Economic analysis methods motivation to practice environmental performance of economic entities Boronos, V.; Pronikova, Zh. Conference Papers 126621019 40476568
2013 Education - way of environment solution Galimova, R. Conference Papers -1297421172 1581499966
2022 Ensuring the stability of the economy through environmental protection and modeling for effective decision making Shvydka, V.; Voronenko, Viacheslav Ihorovych Conference Papers 177258532 96728275
2021 Environmental biotechnologies for phosphogypsum recycling: protection of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere Chernysh, Yelyzaveta Yuriivna Monograph -1518309706 -1358702960
2015 Environmentally sound technologies Bykova, V.O. Conference Papers 28143440 24248095
2015 Financial mechanisms for regulation of environmental safety in Ukraine Nekrasenko, L. Conference Papers 349835886 257614110
2013 Household solid waste disposal as the factor of sustainable development Timofeeva, О. Conference Papers 557681962 663335229
2020 International Collaboration in the Field of Environmental Protection: Trend Analysis and COVID-19 Implications Chernysh, Yelyzaveta Yuriivna; Roubík, H. Article 9869310 5162261
2013 Interstate cooperation as the basis of environmental security of neighboring regions Bezuglaya, E.; Kovarda, V.; Drantusov, A. Conference Papers 13942757 28210678
2017 Organizational and economical mechanism of consumer packaging recycling Romanyuk, Y.S. Conference Papers 1913109 644670
2017 Organizational and economical mechanism of consumer packaging recycling Romanyuk, Y.S. Conference Papers 2254500 1896745
2014 Promotion of master`s program «environmental protection» for sustainable development Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Cebula, J. Conference Papers 67648079 77671459
2017 Reconsideration of the international management in terms of modern tendencies Zharova, L.V. Article 1942942082 -1382970368
2024 The role of social solidarity economy for sustainable development establishing Chortok, M.V. Conference Papers 1 0
2004 The global ecological catastrophes and the environmental protection Balatskyi, Oleh Fedorovych; Telizhenko, I.A. Conference Papers 884547108 1334664508
2016 The procedyre of the conformity assessment by the certification body Savchenko, Olena Serhiivna Conference Papers 11104909 21401590