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Showing results 1 to 10 of 16
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Smart biomask Zahrebelna, A.O. Conference Papers 183032061 237821783
2014 Zipper - a thing that keeps together Pryhodko, A.N. Conference Papers 141127591 194985792
2014 Nikola Tesla a man who was ahead of his time Konoplyanchenko, A.E. Conference Papers 93789501 82883084
2014 Paper clip Kholodko, S.G. Conference Papers 962610562 -1864737618
2014 Inventions that we forgot to patent Zhyzha, M.I. Conference Papers 2866172 5077236
2014 Accidental invention of velcro Gorbatyuk, K.S. Conference Papers -1299344034 -653872836
2014 Alexander Fleming and penicillin Lebedka, A.V. Conference Papers 65606371 137499558
2014 The headphones Kalitin, A.Y. Conference Papers 79801414 110879768
2014 Invention of contact lenses Utkina, M.S. Conference Papers 1409009219 1414363824
2014 Life-changing inventions Solovey, M. Conference Papers 627791460 645493522