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Showing results 1 to 10 of 14
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2011 The role of brain in regulation of motor and autonomic functions of the body Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -45129476 -1247410634
2011 The excitation and inhibition in the CNS Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -1227538320 -2060742681
2011 Contraction of skeletal muscles Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 350200845 1414316652
2011 Mechanisms of humoral regulation of autonomic functions Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 1120150655 -232934692
2011 Overview of the Nervous System Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -2104529857 -1277542563
2011 Hormones Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 1829492023 -2109799960
2011 Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -1517094515 1568806622
2011 Test Problems in Physiology State Licence Examination KROK-1 Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Collection of assignments -2090576237 -82032206
2011 General principles of nervous regulation of the organism functions Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -665605762 -1770766718
2017 Механизмы гуморальной регуляции вегетативных функций организма Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 1858200913 -1108119560