Навчальні видання (НН МІ) [111]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 111
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Allergy Khyzhnia, Yaroslava Volodymyrivna Presentation 825333130 -189235684
2014 Antiallergic drugs Hlushchenko, Nadiia Volodymyrivna Multimedia 811245568 1098185662
2012 Arrhythmias Khyzhnia, Yaroslava Volodymyrivna Presentation -1225473637 -999490147
2011 Autonomic nervous system Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 2136160493 1266835164
2012 Carbohydrates metabolism disorders Khyzhnia, Yaroslava Volodymyrivna Presentation -566121278 -334623639
2012 Consistent patterns of blood circulation in arteries and veins. Bases of hemodynamics Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation -702673058 2002891681
2011 Contraction of skeletal muscles Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 350200842 1414316652
2013 Digestion in intestine. Role of liver and pancreas. Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Multimedia 312405718 1900861761
2012 Digestion of oral cavity and stomach Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation -1992351080 1258630402
2020 Essentials of pathology Bodnar, Ya.; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Voloshyn, V.; Gargin, V. Schoolbook -1190950413 766742860
2012 General characteristics of digestive system. Feeding behavior Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 803517821 -359348723
2011 General principles of nervous regulation of the organism functions Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -665605765 -1770766718
2015 General questions of anaesthesiology Shyshchuk, Volodymyr Dmytrovych; Редько, Сергій Івановим; Redko, Serhii Ivanovych; Огієнко, Максим Миколайович; Огиенко, Максим Николаевич; Ohiienko, Maksym Mykolaiovych Schoolbook -1712963558 -408059471
2011 HIV infection Piddubna, Anna Ivanivna Multimedia -1457028093 -1862729002
2011 Hormones Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 1829492019 -2109799960
2011 Immunotherapy and Prevention Ivakhniuk, Tetiana Vasylivna Presentation -1566725690 1851217441
2011 Introduction to Physiology Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 117840768 1424076231
2012 Mechanic work of the heart Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna Presentation 354611129 1500649085
2011 Mechanisms of humoral regulation of autonomic functions Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation 1120150651 -232934692
2011 Membrane Potentials and Action Potentials Obukhova, Olha Anatoliivna; Harbuzova, Viktoriia Yuriivna Presentation -1517094520 1568806622