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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Lighting antenna of Li-Fi technology Zabegalov, І.V.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 1194968520 1325174349
2018 Вiometric authentication systems Putienkov, O.M.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 899075 692311
2018 Prospects of development of nanotechnologies Demchenko, І.V.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 1824894234 1861079854
2018 Ring Counters Маlenchyk, Т.V.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 12758224 6508936
2018 The problem of employment of bachelors after the end of the higer education Zabegalov, І.V.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers 3949930 2116038
2018 Explosive function of safe literal apparatus Seredin, А.P.; Bulashenko, А.V. Conference Papers -2129878909 696108642