Наукові видання (ННІП) [3653]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 3653
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2007 3 історії археологічних досліджень у Середньому Посуллі Nimenko, Nataliia Anatoliivna Conference Papers 1406526817 1808129572
2011 3 історії переписів населення на території України Lobko, Nataliia Viktorivna Conference Papers -30854313 -37024786
2011 3 історії прокуратури УРСР Боковня, В.М. Conference Papers 1149272879 911869200
2011 3 історії садиби П.Штеричевої Литвиненко, Я.В. Conference Papers 43549345 1497269641
2018 Activitatea filialei din România a asociației ucrainene de pe lângă societatea națiunilor Vlasenko, Valerii Mykolaiovych; Toma, T. Article 10348261 15235279
2014 Actual problems of the legal regulation of the guaranteeing (insurance) system of individuals’ deposits Shvaher, Olha Andriivna Conference Papers 1983190145 39069034
2018 Adaptation of the european experience for personnel procedures in police of Ukraine Ilchenko, Oleksandr Vasylovych Conference Papers -1879530500 580045626
2022 Administrative and legal bases of implementation of e-government in Ukraine Sukhonos, Volodymyr Viktorovych; Pakhomov, Volodymyr Vasylovych; Pylypenko, V.; Kolesnikova, Mariia Viktorivna; Maletov, Dmytro Volodymyrovych Article 574610490 -1367620695
2020 Administrative and Legal Mechanism for Ensuring the Rights of Civil Servants in Ukraine and the Developed Countries of the World Serbyn, R.; Zelenko, I.; Kyselova, Olena Ivanivna; Voloshyna, M.; Mikhailovska, Eugenia Vladimirovna Article -1060725937 -1776421258
2019 Administrative and legal mechanism of land relations protection in Ukraine and Russia: comparative legal analysis Sviderskyi, O.; Havrylenko, O.; Kovalenko, K.; Shlapko, Tetiana Viktorivna Article 351017679 -1391920015
2021 Administrative and legal principles of activity of ip-court: foreign experience and implementation in Ukraine Rieznik, Oleh Mykolaiovych; Fomenko, A.; Mykolenko, O.; Denysenko, Serhii Ivanovych; Kibets-Pashutina, D. Article 67191507 37680263
2021 Administrative and Legal Status of District Administrative Courts in the Administrative Justice System Yunin, O.; Nikolaichuk, S.; Brusakova, O.; Kolesnikova, Mariia Viktorivna Article 1056485712 577490603
2021 Administrative and legal status of subjects of the state’s financial system management: innovative standards and system modernization in Ukraine Strelchenko, O.; Bass, V.; Horbach-Kudria, I.; Myrhorod-Karpova, Valeriia Valeriivna Article 73350819 -1130117224
2024 Administrative-territorial reform of Ukraine as part of the process of decentralisation of power Stohova, Olha Volodymyrivna Article 0 0
2020 Administrative-Territorial Reform: The Experience of the Countries of Western Europe Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Durnov, Y.; Boichuk, A.; Chernezhenko, O.; Holosnichenko, I. Article 1313920606 -1066844637
2010 Ancient Greece Topalidu, Maria Conference Papers -1317014103 1816009358
2023 Anti-Corruption Transformation Processes in the Conditions of the Judicial Reform in Ukraine Implementation Rieznik, Oleh Mykolaiovych; Bondarenko, Olha Serhiivna; Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna; Klypa, O.; Bobrishova, L. Article 621877014 23913290
2021 Audit of banks as public interest entities: Segmentation and conjuncture of the bank audit market in Ukraine Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Serpeninova, Yuliia Serhiivna; Makarenko, S.; Levkulych, V.; Kolisnyk, G.M. Article -1798403516 368228266
2022 Basic principles of development of axiological dimension of the european educational space Boinova, A.A. Conference Papers -1475236695 1527235475
2019 Blockchain як один із засобів захисту права інтелектуальної власності Utkina, Maryna Serhiivna Conference Papers -477250460 -1457210199