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2023 Optical Properties of Vanadium Oxide Films Matyash, I.; Minailova, I.; Gudymenko, O.; Sabov, T.; Dubikovskyi, O.; Kosulya, O.; Kulbachynskyi, O.; Lytvyn, P. Article 51 152
2022 Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of PtAun (n = 1-9) Clusters Using Density Functional Theory Benkrima, Y.; Souigat, A.; Soudani, M.E.; Achouri, A.; Korichi, Z.; Bougoffa, M.S.E. Article 1894531 3681331
2019 Nanostructured Coatings Based on Amorphous Carbon and Gold Nanoparticles Obtained by the Pulsed Vacuum-arc Method Kolpakov, A.Ya.; Kovaleva, M.G.; Beresnev, V.M.; Manokhin, S.S.; Poplavsky, A.I.; Khmara, A.N.; Mishunin, M.V.; Galkina, M.E.; Gerus, J.V.; Yapryntsev, M.N.; Sirota, V.V.; Glukhov, О.V. Article 8470660 15124506
2020 Structural and Optical Properties of Polycrystalline ZnO Nanopowder Synthesized by Direct Precipitation Technique Kumar, Suresh; Arora, Divya; Dhupar, Anu; Sharma, Vandana; Sharma, J.K.; Sharma, S.K.; Gaur, Anurag Article 585413632 560109924
2021 Enhanced Humidity Sensing Properties of Surfactant-Free Hydrothermally Synthesized Tin Oxide Nanoparticles Preethi, T.; Senthil, K.; Ashokan, S.; Balakrishnaraja, R.; Sundaravel, B.; Saravanan, P. Article 1706131889 46014462
2019 Effects of Copper Doping and Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of NiO Thin Films Haichour, A.; Hamdadou, N. Article 1191934600 1434897943
2021 Optical Properties of CuSCN/Stilbazolium Dye Hybrid Thin Films Poperenko, L.V.; Yurgelevych, I.V.; Gnatyuk, D.V.; Uda, K.; Yoshida, T. Article 1240602471 1663661104
2017 Optical Properties of Pure and Eu Doped ZnSe Films Deposited by CSVS Technique Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Buryk, Ivan Petrovych; Lutsenko, V.A.; Shevchenko, A.V. Article 1227953516 1212561761
2023 Chemical Deposition of Multilayer HgS Films Sozanskyi, M.A.; Siryk, K.M.; Shapoval, P.Yo.; Huminilovych, R.R.; Stadnik, V.E.; Laruk, M.M. Article 244 215
2021 Ab Initio Study of Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties of CuRh2O4 Spinel: First Principles Calculation Radia, Bencheikh; Karima, Belakroum; Yamina, Benkrima Article 1455034434 1123414441