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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Gamma Radiation Induced Effects in TeO2 Thin Films Mohil, Manisha; Kumar, G. Anil Article 1815025048 650744437
2014 Фазовий склад та магнітні властивості плівкових систем на основі Fe (Co) та Gd (Dy) Vorobiov, Serhii Ihorovych; Cheshko, Iryna Volodymyrivna; Chornous, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Ширзадфар, Х.; Шутилєва, О.В. Article 196966257 284961828
2012 Irradiation Effects on Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Ba[(Mg0.32Co0.02)Nb0.66]O3 [BMCN] Thin Films Patel, N.V.; Bishnoi, Bhagwati; Mehta, P.K.; Kumar, Ravi; Choudhary, R.J.; Phase, D.M.; Ganesan, V.; Panchal, C.J. Article 261593378 106370004
2014 Міжзеренні межі і електричні властивості тонких плівок твердих розчинів PbTe-Bi2Te3 Фреїк, Д.М.; Дзундза, Б.С.; Межиловська, Л.Й.; Гатала, І.Б.; Мудрий, С.І. Article 733485923 581126218
2013 Cotton Textile Surface Investigation Before and After Deposition of the ZnO Coating by Sol-gel Method Vihodceva, S.; Kukle, S. Article 20075173 25472380
2013 Structural and Optical Properties of CdS Thin Film Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition Rajpal, S.; Bandyopadhyay, V. Article 1459299259 -1306332723
2015 Studies on Hall Effect and DC Conductivity Measurements of Semiconductor Thin films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) method Thirumavalavana, S.; Mani, K.; Suresh Sagadevan, S. Article 306427547 654130696
2012 Properties of the Window Layers for the CZTSe and CZTS Based Solar Cells Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych; Protsenko, Ivan Yukhymovych; Cheong, H. Article 148512892 -152447872
2011 Ellipsometric Studies on Silver Telluride Thin Films Pandiaraman, M.; Soundararajan, N.; Kumar, C.; Ganesan, R. Article -878152034 309037609
2017 The Surface Morphology of CdTe Thin Films Obtained by Open Evaporation in Vacuum Saliy, Y.P.; Nykyruy, L.I.; Yavorskyi, R.S.; Adamiak, S. Article 364683220 439092501