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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Synthesis and Growth of Au Nanostructures on MoS[2] Interface Borodinova, T.I.; Styopkin, V.I.; Vasko, A.A.; Kutsenko, V.Ye.; Marchenko, O.A. Article 2019348894 -899439346
2014 Synthesis and investigation of nanoscale structured magnetic A II(3)BV(2):Mg films Kochura, A.V.; Marenkin, S.F.; Fedorchenko, I.V.; Abakumov, P.V. Article 713307828 -1636755994
2011 Synthesis And Characterization Of ZnO Nanoparticles Singh, N.; Mehra, R.M.; Kapoo, A. Article -1223645941 1345531287
2018 Магнітні дослідження наночастинок шаруватого магніторозчиненого напівпровідника PbMnI2 Столярчук, І.Д.; Рогальска, І.; Корецький, С.В.; Стефанюк, І.; Stolyarchuk I.D., ; Rogalska I., ; Koretskii S.V., Article 594173 693537
2018 Mossbauer Study of Nickel-Substituted Cobalt Ferrites Bushkova, V.S.; Yaremiy, I.P.; Ostafiychuk, B.K.; Moklyak, V.V.; Hrubiak, A.B. Article 44776325 31670463
2011 Synthesis And Characterization Of Undoped And Co-Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles Mariammal, R.N.; Rajamanickam, N.; Ramachandran, K. Article 2057721778 1467796405
2016 The Photoluminescence Properties of Ablated ZrO[2] Nanoparticles Kuzmenko, A.P.; Pugachevsky, M.A.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 22468128 52657510
2011 Photoluminescence and EPR studies of ZnS nanoparticles Co-doped with Mn and Te Divya, A.; Reddy, B.K; Sambasivam, P.; Reddy, P. Sreedhara Article -1687672612 -1887343311
2018 Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles by Cathode Sputtering in Radio-frequency Plasma Nakysbekov, Zh.T.; Buranbayev, M.Zh.; Aitzhanov, M.B.; Suyundykova, G.S.; Gabdullin, M.T. Article -1937140831 1803536417
2019 Design and Analysis of Waveguide Structure Sensor Based on Nanoparticles and Left-handed Material Hamada, M.S.; Shabat, M.M. Article 1672801427 -553461717