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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Gallium Arsenide Czokhralski Crystal Growth with High Oscillatory Influences Kosushkin, V.G.; Kozhitov, S.L.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Parkhomenko, Yu.N.; Kozhitov, L.V. Article -2030433153 841042305
2014 The Structure and Magnetic Properties Metal-carbon Nanocomposites NiCo / C on Based of Polyacrylonitrile Kozhitov, L.V.; Muratov, D.G.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Kostishin, V.G.; Yakushko, E.V.; Savchenko, A.G.; Schetinin, I.V.; Mosyakina, E.P. Article -383549406 476422959
2014 Features of Formation of the Nanoparticles of Alloys in Metal-carbon Nanocomposites FeCo / C and NiCo / C on Based Polyacrylonitrile Kozhitov, L.V.; Muratov, D.G.; Kostishin, V.G.; Savchenko, A.G.; Schetinin, I.V.; Popkova, A.V.; Yakushko, E.V.; Chervjako, L.M. Article -216401167 -432766634
2014 Crystal Growth Mechanism in" Synthesis-solute-diffusion" Method in Ultrasonic Field Kosushkin, V.G.; Kozhitov, S.L.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Parkhomenko, Yu.N.; Kozhitov, L.V. Article -1023500981 1181194266
2014 Influence of Magnetic Pulseprocessing on Oxide Materials Physics and Mechanical Properties Shipko, M.N.; Korovushkin, V.V.; Smagina, A.V.; Kostishyn, V.G.; Kozhitov, L.V. Article 80047098 109681574
2014 Morphological Features of Gallium Arsenide Crystals Grown at Low-frequency Influences to the Crystallization Front Kosushkin, V.G.; Kozhitov, S.L.; Kozhitov, L.V.; Parkhomenko, Yu.N.; Chervjakov, L.M. Article -1678243709 -2114400157
2014 The Structure and Magnetic Properties Metal-carbon Nanocomposites NiCo / C on Based of Polyacrylonitrile Kozhitov, L.V.; Muratov, D.G.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Kostishin, V.G.; Yakushko, E.V.; Savchenko, A.G.; Schetinin, I.V.; Mosyakina, E.P. Article 2052207397 2052398773