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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Smart biomask Zahrebelna, A.O. Conference Papers 537222779 325380508
2014 Zipper - a thing that keeps together Pryhodko, A.N. Conference Papers 171717377 225575576
2014 Nikola Tesla a man who was ahead of his time Konoplyanchenko, A.E. Conference Papers 245348247 257869018
2014 Paper clip Kholodko, S.G. Conference Papers -949517463 -1864737618
2014 Inventions that we forgot to patent Zhyzha, M.I. Conference Papers 10703638 14347789
2014 Accidental invention of velcro Gorbatyuk, K.S. Conference Papers 697726893 -954698278
2014 Alexander Fleming and penicillin Lebedka, A.V. Conference Papers 303212553 375105740
2014 The headphones Kalitin, A.Y. Conference Papers 104172255 110879770
2014 Invention of contact lenses Utkina, M.S. Conference Papers 1409009222 1414363824
2014 Life-changing inventions Solovey, M. Conference Papers 730286962 850484525
2014 The history of matches Kaba, E.A. Conference Papers 324613 654037
2014 Arguable paternity inventions Hryschenko, O.V. Conference Papers 23735458 4856141
2014 The invention of paper Lityuga, M.A. Conference Papers -692660686 -556722889
2014 The invention of an elevator Sanin, A.I. Conference Papers 1790739453 1500420158
2014 The Eye Tribe Tracker will change the world Tarasenko, Y.V.; Khmelik, L.Y. Conference Papers 77654590 93366369
2014 TOP-10 accidental inventions that changed the world Gerasimenko, P.M. Conference Papers -286600999 -1936205453