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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Methodology of analysis sustainable development of Ukraine by using the theory fuzzy logic Karaieva, N.V.; Bereznytska, M.V. Article -55821636 707062905
2016 International aspect of ecological innovations Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Skoryk, V.V Article 473887353 1098236776
2014 Methodic foundations of the ecologically oriented consumer’s readiness analysis Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych Article 1044123814 1488850489
2016 Effectiveness of actions associated with the environmental protection and the sustainable development Zieba, K.; Martyniak, K.; Rusin-Balicka, S.; Balicki, B.; Marcin, A. Article 113598432 65218648
2016 The public finance management in the context of sustainable development Tropina, V.B. Article 652678459 676249373
2013 Public consumption in the context of sustainable development: requirement for modernization Antonuk, V.Р.; Kuznetsova, D.V. Article 160034633 97819702
2015 Modern perspectives of development of «green» economy Chernykhivska, A.V. Article 388021837 -1006859055
2017 Reconsideration of the international management in terms of modern tendencies Zharova, L.V. Article -236423632 1822314064
2016 Efficiency of management of sustainable development – challenges, problems, barriers Zięba, K.; Olma, S. Article -480628416 2038339466
2016 Theoretical justification of indicators system to estimate the regional stability level considering its development peculiarities Granovska, L.M.; Nyzheholenko, K.S. Article 1268694476 1909811050