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Title Морфологічні та біохімічні особливості раку молочної залози в умовах забруднення довкілля солями важких металів
Other Titles Morphological and biochemical features breast cancer in conditions environmental contamination of heavy metal salts
Морфологические и биохимические особенности рака молочной железы в условиях загрязнения окружающей среды солями тяжелых металлов
Authors Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych  
Lyndin, Mykola Serhiiovych  
Moskalenko, Roman Andriiovych  
Kuzenko, Yevhen Viktorovych  
Keywords пухлина
молочна залоза
важкі метали
молочная железа
тяжелые металлы
mammary gland
heavy metals
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher ВДНЗ "УМСА"
Citation Морфологічні та біохімічні особливості раку молочної залози в умовах забруднення довкілля солями важких металів [Романюк А.М., Линдін М.С., Москаленко Р.А., Кузенко Є.В.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2014. – Вип.4, Т. 1. (113). – С.318-322.
Abstract Метою дослідження стало вивчення хімічного складу тканини раку молочної залози. Проводилося визначення важких металів у пухлинній тканині за допомогою атомної абсорбції та енерго-дисперсійною спектрометрії. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між надмірним надходження сполук важких металів в організм людини та накопичення їх у пухлинній тканині молочної залози, що може виступати пусковим фактором канцерогенезу. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
Целью исследования стало изучение химического состава ткани рака молочной железы. Проводилось определение тяжелых металлов в опухолевой ткани с помощью атомной абсорбции и энерго-дисперсионной спектрометрии. Установлена взаимосвязь между чрезмерным поступления соединений тяжелых металлов в организм женщины и накоплением их в опухолевой ткани молочной железы, что может выступать пусковым фактором канцерогенеза. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку
The problem of developing a malignant tumor in the breast is dedicated to more than one study. As etiological factors of breast cancer described eating disorders, hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, viral contamination, environmental factors, and others. Neoplastic breast disease is undoubtedly an environmentally dependent pathology, as evidenced by their steady growth in developed countries. Researches is devoted to the study of the morphology and chemical composition of the tissue breast cancer in women who live in ecologically polluted regions. The study was conducted on breast tissue of 60 women operated on breast cancer. Histological characteristics of tissues studied in sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Chemical analysis was carried out by atomic absorption. Microelement composition of tissue sections studied by scanning electron microscope, which is equipped with energy dispersive spectrometer. Results. The amount of trace metals, atomic absorption method defined, in breast cancer tissue from women environmentally contaminated region exceeds their number in the control group: iron - by 24%, copper - by 15.4% chromium - by 16.8%, zinc - by 13.8%, lead - by 11.1% and nickel - by 9.3%. The results of energy dispersive method found that trace elements content in the research group more than 50 atomic mass by 15-25% larger than those found in the control group. Trace metals accumulate over in the cellular component of the tumor tissue. It is the presence of excess heavy metals in the parenchymal component explains their carcinogenic effects on the mammary gland. The presence of these metals in the stromal component can be considered as an etiological factor of pathological biomineralization tumor tissue, which is also a negative prognostic feature of malignancy. Comparing the incidence of breast cancer in different areas of the region with the data of chemical analysis, it was found that in environmentally contaminated areas as increased incidence of breast cancer (almost 2 times), and the number of heavy metal compounds in tumor tissue. A statistically significant difference between the accumulation of elements and histological type of breast cancer is not established. Carcinogenic effect of heavy metal compounds can be realized through the mechanisms of DNA structure violation to their direct influence on the processes of transcription, translation and replication, inhibition of antioxidant defense system, simulate the action of estrogen, increased proliferative activity of cells of angiogenesis. they affect apoptosis and proliferative activity of tumor cells, reduce adhesive intercellular communication, which ultimately leads to stimulation of malignant transformation, initiation and progression. Conclusions. Excessive inflow trace metals in the body leads to their accumulation in tumor breast tissue. We can assume that this leads to disruption of antioxidant defense cells and destabilize the balance of genetic breast epithelial cells, which ultimately initiates and stimulates the development of cancer. Prospects for further research. Study of immunohistochemical markers of apoptosis, proliferative activity, adhesive capacity invasive potential of tumor cells and epigenetic DNA changes depending on the amount of heavy metals in tumor tissue. When you are citing the document, use the following link
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