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Title Культурно-освітня діяльність В.П. Науменка в дореволюційний період (друга половина ХІХ ст. - 1917 р.)
Other Titles Культурно-образовательная деятельность В.П. Науменко в дореволюционный период (вторая половина ХIX в. - 1917 гг.)
V.P. Naumenko cultural and educational activity (second half of XIX century - 1917 year)
Authors Вегера, Л.Р.
Keywords Науменко В.П.
культурно-освітнє життя
Київська грамота
Київське товариство грамотності
культурно-образовательная жизнь
Киевская грамота
Киевское общество грамотности
Naumenko V.P.
cultural and education activities
Kiev Hromada
Kiev Society for literacy
Type Article
Date of Issue 2015
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Вегера, Л.Р. Культурно-освітня діяльність В.П. Науменка в дореволюційний період (друга половина ХІХ ст. - 1917 р.) [Текст] / Л. Р. Вегера // Сумська старовина. - 2015. - № ХLVІ. - С. 112-120.
Abstract У статті досліджується культурно-освітня діяльність В.П. Науменка (1852-1919) у період з кінця ХІХ ст. до революційних подій 1917 р. В.П. Науменко - видатний представник української інтелігенції кінця XIX - початку ХХ ст., політик, філолог, видавець, педагог. Культурницька і просвітницька діяльність вченого розгорталася під впливом визвольних ідей в зазначений період, про що свідчать численні праці видатних істориків, які були сучасниками В.П. Науменка, а також дослідників кінця ХХ - початку XXI ст.
В статье исследуется культурно-образовательная деятельность В.П. Науменко (1852-1919) в период с конца XIX в. до революционных событий 1917г. В.П. Науменко - выдающийся представитель украинской интеллигенции конца XIX - начала ХХ в., политик, филолог, издатель, педагог. Культурная и просветительская деятельность ученого разворачивалась под влиянием освободительных идей в указанный период, о чем свидетельствуют многочисленные труды выдающихся историков, современников В.П. Науменко, а также исследователей конца ХХ - начала XXI в.
The article cultural and educational activity V.P. Naumenko (1852-1919) - an outstanding representative of Ukrainian intelligentsia of the late XIX-early XX century, politician, philologist, publisher, teacher. Activity scientist unfolded under the influence of liberating ideas in this period. This is evidenced by the numerous works of eminent historians who were contemporaries V.P. Naumenko, as well as researchers of the late XX-early XXI century.Analysis of documentary material proved that the impetus for an active outreach Vladimir Naumenko was the family education, where the service of the people attached great importance. Significant influence on the formation of personality V.P. Naumenko had a Second gymnasium of Kiev and Kiev University of St. Vladimir. An important role in the life of a scientist was his work in the Kiev sodality, where he has soon established himself as an excellent orator. Sometimes V.P. Naumenko served as treasurer, and then partially Acting Head sodality. A separate page of cultural and educational activities of V.P. Naumenko - his relationship with M.P. Drahomanov. Because of the Ems Edict 1876 M.P. Drahomanov was forced to leave the country and emigrate. Vladimir Pavlovich always maintained his mentor and helped him publish a book «Hromada». Almost all his life Vladimir Pavlovich dedicated educational activities of the future generation. After graduation, he returned to his native school as a teacher and worked there for about 30 years. In addition, the scientist has taught in a number of other prestigious educational institutions in Kiev. V.P. Naumenko has gained wide acceptance among the population and has been awarded many prizes. Since 1905 teacher realizes himself as the director of the Kiev private school. This school was founded in 1905 as an initiative group of parents who had school-age children. Here Vladimir Pavlovich showed his professionalism in the conduct of school affairs, as evidenced by the memories of his students. One of his pupils was the famous M.T. Rylsky, which in 1908 began studying at the school. V.P. Naumenko did a lot for the enlightenment of the Ukrainian people. For example of such vigorous activity may serve as his work in the Kiev society literacy. In 1897 the teacher began to occupy the post of the first chapter of this organization and has always said that his main job, he sees «serve the cause of education of the people ....». Thus, the article analyzes the cultural and educational activities V.P. Naumenko and his role in the process of enlightenment Ukrainians in the period from the middle of the XIX century before the start of the 1917 revolution.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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