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Title Планове містобудування здійснене органами самоврядування міст Катеринославщини у роки Першої світової війни
Other Titles The town planning realization by governments of Ekaterinoslav‘s cities in the years the First World War
Плановое градостроительство осуществленное органами самоуправления городов Екатеринославщины в годы Первой мировой войны
Authors Бублик, О.Г.
Keywords планова забудова
містобудівна політика
міста Катеринославщини
Перша світова війна
плановая застройка
градостроительная политика
города Екатеринославщины
Первая мировая война
the planned building
the town-planning politic
Katerinoslav‘s cities
the First World War
Type Article
Date of Issue 2016
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Бублик, О.Г. Планове містобудування здійснене органами самоврядування міст Катеринославщини у роки Першої світової війни [Текст] / О.Г. Бублик // Сумська старовина. - 2016. - № XLVІІІ. - С. 87-97.
Abstract У роботі простежено розвиток забудови різних напрямків планового будівництва на Катеринославщині у роки Першої світової війни та проаналізовано причини зміни уваги до них, розглянуто ставлення посадовців щодо соціально-незахищених категорій населення та умов оплати за нерухомість.
В работе исследовано развитие застройки разных направлений планового строительства на Екатеринославщине в годы Первой мировой войны и проанализировано причины изменения внимания к ним, рассмотрено отношение власти относительно социально-незащищенных категорий населения и условия оплаты за недвижимость.
The development of several directions of planned construction in the Ekaterinoslav‘s province during the First World War is studied in the proposed article. We understand mean under that traditional buildings are the educational, medical, academic and so on that local authorities were obliged to implement by statute to the ordinance in the analyzed article. As regards of educational establishments, the governments almost never allocated funds for the construction of primary and secondary schools. The institutions such level in this period were introduced only in the urban settlements ado subject to the allocation of money from the budget of the rural society. Pausing of construction of primary schools run counter to great imperial policy, so the Ministry of Public Education allocated any sums for overcome these obstacles. In addition, order to ensure expansion of the school network in the cities of established a temporary teachers courses or stationary teachers’ seminaries. On the other hand, in the cities was actively implemented educational institutions with a focus on technical specialties. For example, the discovery of Mining College in Ekaterinoslav and technical in Aleksandrovsk regarded. However, if the Ministry of Public Education still supported the construction of primary schools, concerning the specific was more pragmatic. In such case, the local government sought help from the merchants, factory owners and entrepreneurs. Since the opening of these institutions gave in the final result the prospect of technicians, the businessmen was no doubt as to support the plan. Opening and especially the construction of higher education institutions in the cities of Ekaterinoslav region was still a mirage. Although the desires benefactors and citizens to open institutions in Ekaterinoslav, the local government left them questions unresolved. Such plans obliged the authorities to look for means for the implementation of the conceived, what they did not have neither the capacity nor the desire. Support of commercial activities by organs of self-government was to search for more benefits. The economic condition of Ekaterinoslav ’s cities province required a minimum of benefits and loyalty against the backdrop of industrial decline. However, representatives of authority preferred only his entourage, leaving significant types of production behind. On the other hand, officials aspired to accession the Dnieper areas to empire-wide trade relations. So firmly defended the proposal to carrying out of Merefa-Kherson railroad line through Aleksandrovsk and Ekaterinoslav, was well as increased lifting capacity Mariupol port. Flow of migrants to the cities of the province brought to an increase in homelessness and poverty. Visibly increased the price of accommodation, construction materials and builders work. Ways of struggle of officials with such fluctuations did not bring useful results.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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