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Showing results 1 to 10 of 11
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 How Does The Use Of Technology In Entrepreneurial Process Affect Firms’ Growth? Kaya, H.D. Article 1935986081 -1473490774
2022 Regulations and the characteristics of entrepreneurs Kaya, H. Article 560936 1676877
2022 The Asian entrepreneurship core in COVID-19 period: value chains, specialized education, massive participation of women and strategic accompaniment Castro, F.A.O. Article 123132273 143448084
2021 Economic Crises And Entrepreneurship: A Comparison Of Developed And Less Developed Countries Kaya, H.D. Article -146396338 -678574158
2021 The Role of SMEs in Strengthening the UK-USA Partnership Davies, R.; Gopalakrishnan, B.N.; Balasubramanian, A. Article 281000433 1138424239
2019 Influential Aspects of Women Engagement in Entrepreneurial Activities: A Study on Handicrafts Enterprise in Bangladesh Rahman, Md.M.; Abdullah, Md. Article 1654046735 -2100720260
2019 Government Support, Entrepreneurial Activity and Firm Growth Kaya, H.D. Article -1907408896 1337447442
2020 The Financial Innovative Business Strategies of Small to Medium Scale Enterprises in Developing Country and Influence for the Global Economy Performance Umadia, K.Sr.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -1714380488 -1677545327
2023 Environment and female entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: investigation of the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis Chikh-Amnache, S.; Harnane, N.; Mekhzoumi, L. Article 19941905 12651899
2022 The global crisis, manufacturing firms, regulations and taxes Kaya, H.D. Article 266842 525433