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Showing results 1 to 10 of 39
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Monetary Policy Surprises and the Responses of Asset Prices: An Event Study Analysis Jiang, Yu.; Wang, G. Article -161329118 742011868
2017 What Leaders Should Know about E-Government Louis, R. Article -1254599500 1304921113
2017 Dichotomy of Family Relations of Azerbaijani Society in the Process of Globalization Aliyeva, Y.N.; Aliyeva, S.N.; Zhurba, M. Article 609690176 286120708
2017 International trade policies and sustainability of nano-textiles Narayanan, B.G.; Kadasala, N.R.; Achari, N.L.V.; Sahoo, S. Article -1044095438 783403268
2017 Macroeconomic indices and capital market: evidence from Tehran Stock Market Makiyan, S.N.; Alibeiki, H. Article -1771265335 1307617759
2017 Modification of the International Energy Agency Model (the IEA Model of Short-term Energy Security) for Assessing the Energy Security of Ukraine Salihaj, T.; Pryimenko, S. Article 1572501263 1429689964
2017 Detecting cyber threats through social network analysis: short survey Kirichenko, L.; Radivilova, T.; Anders, C. Article 904436421 -1566590401
2017 Enhancing the Capabilities of Municipalities for Local Economic Development through Skills Training Kamara, R.D.; Leonard, S.; Haines, R. Article 1893923311 -600679768
2017 The human capital theory. Encouragement and criticism Kolomiiets, U.; Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych Article 115684065 -323503770
2017 Corruption and migration policy. EU crisis management revisited Sysoieva, Larysa Yuriivna; Kleinschmidt, H. Article 62734217 -442638384