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Title Методологічні засади розвитку фінансового нагляду в Україні
Authors Kremen, Viktoriia Mykhailivna  
Keywords фінансовий нагляд
фінансовий посередник
страхова компанія
міжнародні принципи
незалежність фінансового нагляду
системно важливий фінансовий посередник
системний ризик
фінансова стійкість
індикатори фінансової стійкості
финансовый надзор
финансовый посредник
страховая компания
международные принципы
независимость финансового надзора
системно важный финансовый посредник
системный риск
финансовая устойчивость
индикаторы финансовой устойчивости
financial supervision
financial intermediary
insurance company
international principles
independence of financial supervision
systemically important financial intermediary
systemic risk
financial soundness
indicators of financial soundness
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2018
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Кремень, В.М. Методологічні засади розвитку фінансового нагляду в Україні [Текст]: дисертація ... д-ра екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.08 – гроші, фінанси і кредит / В.М. Кремень; наук. консультант І.О. Школьник. - Суми: СумДУ, 2018. - 536 с.
Abstract Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню наукової проблеми розвитку теоретико-методологічних і методичних засад розбудови фінансового нагляду в України. У дисертації уточнено понятійно-категоріальний апарат дослідження фінансового нагляду, обґрунтовано концептуальні відмінності фінансового нагляду від інших функцій держави у фінансовому секторі, запропоновано класифікацію фінансового нагляду, визначено умови досягнення фінансової стійкості як мети фінансового нагляду, обґрунтовано концептуальні засади стратегічного розвитку фінансового нагляду, розроблено науково-методичний підхід щодо визначення відповідності нагляду міжнародним принципам, запропоновано науково-методичний підхід щодо оцінювання незалежності наглядових органів, розроблено періодизацію розвитку фінансового нагляду в Україні, розроблено методичне підґрунтя комплексного оцінювання і порівняння дотримання вимог банківської діяльності, досліджено особливості нагляду за діяльністю небанківських фінансових посередників в Україні, розроблено моделі прогнозування фінансового стану фінансових посередників та науково-методичні підходи до визначення максимально граничного значення нормативу достатності регулятивного капіталу банків, оцінювання системної важливості фінансових посередників, визначення системного ризику фінансового сектору та аналізу взаємозв’язку між стійкістю фінансового сектора та розвитком фінансового сектора й соціально-економічним розвитком країн.
Диссертационная работа посвящена решению научной проблемы развития теоретико-методологических и методических основ совершенствования финансового надзора в Украине. В диссертации углублен понятийно-категориальный аппарат исследования финансового надзора, обоснованы концептуальные различия финансового надзора от других функций государства в финансовом секторе, предложена классификация финансового надзора, определены условия достижения финансовой устойчивости как цели финансового надзора, обоснована концепция стратегического развития финансового надзора, разработан научно-методический подход к определению соответствия надзора международным принципам, предложен научно-методический подход к оценке независимости надзорных органов, разработана периодизация развития финансового надзора в Украине, предложен методический подход к комплексной оценке соблюдения требований банковской деятельности, исследованы особенности надзора за деятельностью небанковских финансовых посредников в Украине, разработаны модели прогнозирования финансового состояния финансовых посредников и научно-методические подходы к определению максимально предельного значения норматива достаточности регулятивного капитала банков, оцениванию системной важности финансовых посредников, определению системного риска финансового сектора и анализу взаимосвязей между устойчивостью финансового сектора и развитием финансового сектора и социально-экономическим развитием стран.
The thesis is devoted to developing theoretical, methodological and methodical foundations and practical tools for financial supervision in Ukraine and working out practical recommendations aimed at its improvement. According to the results of the structural-decomposition analysis, the categorical apparatus of financial supervision was specified in the dissertation. It was proposed to understand financial supervision from the point of view of managerial and organizational approaches. The conceptual differences between financial supervision and other state functions in the financial sector in particular financial regulation, financial control, and financial monitoring were defined, which made it possible to determine their common and distinctive features regarding the purpose, object, subjects and employing methods. The essence of financial soundness and conditions for its achievement as a goal of financial supervision were determined by incorporation of criteria of reliability, transparency, and efficiency in the work of financial intermediaries, financial market and supervisory bodies. The study of strategic and fundamental documents related to the economic system, the financial sector, and financial supervision revealed a superficial and fragmentary approach to defining the current situation, key issues in financial supervision, and directions for their solution. To solve this problem, the concept of strategic development of financial supervision was developed, based on a combination of such approaches: institutional, functional, structural and resultant. The paper determined the quantitative assessments of the compliance of financial supervision with international principles in general and in its directions in accordance with the structure of the financial sector by means of a grade and score of the implementation of each of the principles and the use of the arithmetic mean and geometric meanwhile. It gave a comprehensive assessment of the compliance of national supervisory systems with international standards and best world practices. According to the results of the evaluation, it was established that, among all international financial supervision principles, the practical implementation of the principles related to ensuring an adequate level of institutional, operational and financial independence and accountability of supervisory bodies remained the most problematic. The institutional structure of financial supervision in Ukraine was identified as sectoral: financial supervisors have been established for the banking sector, non-bank financial intermediaries and the securities market. The assessment of the independence of financial supervision was carried out by calculating diffuse indices in accordance with the rating assessments of the criteria of institutional, operational and financial independence. It allowed creating the basis for the proper performance of the function of financial supervision by the state. Based on indicators of banks, insurance companies, credit unions, pawnshops, financial companies, pension funds, and securities market applied a hierarchical method of cluster analysis the stages of the financial sector development were defined, which became the basis for identifying key changes in the financial regulation and supervision. In order to assess the level of compliance with banking requirements, an integral indicator was determined, its dynamics and regularities were analysed. Financial requirements of insurance companies, credit unions, asset management companies and entities which manage assets of private pension funds, professional securities market participants engaged in securities trading, institutional asset management, depository activities of clearing activities, organization of trade on the stock market, as well as institutional investors were investigated in areas of capital adequacy, liquidity, solvency, management of significant risks, assets diversification. In the context of the bankruptcy of a large number of financial intermediaries in recent years, it was advisable to forecast their financial situation. The formalization of forecasting the state of financial intermediaries was carried out using a linear, logit-and probit-regression. The predictors for regression were chosen employing F-test for dispersions, Farrar – Globe algorithm, and correlation coefficients. Methodical approach to the determination of the maximum value of the adequacy ratio of regulatory capital of banks with a view to ensuring the minimum level of compliance of banking supervision was formed under the component ‘adequacy of regulatory capital – credit risks’ and ‘liquidity – investment’. It served as an empirical basis for the establishment and adjusting banking requirements. The financial crisis revealed the financial sector’s excessive dependence on systemically important financial intermediaries so that the scientific approach for determining their systemic importance was developed in the work. It involved market share, equity-to-asset ratio, return on assets ratio and interconnection with other financial intermediaries and identification of the different types of financial intermediaries, which allowed reducing the risk of regulatory arbitrage. An example of systemically important banks and non-life insurance companies demonstrated the relationship between the activities of systemically important financial intermediaries and financial and economic macroeconomic indicators. In order to assess the systemic financial risk, indicators of the functioning of the sector of financial corporations and institutional sectors that affect the financial sector (non-financial corporations, households, government, ‘other world’) and macroeconomic factors were used. Their ranges of values were defined according to international data financial statistics, recommendations and standards of international financial organizations. Based on the binary characteristics and weight coefficients found employing the principal components method, quantitative and qualitative levels of the financial systemic risk in Ukraine were determined. A summary assessment of financial soundness was based on the IMF’s financial soundness indicators. Taking into account the importance of not only financial soundness but also the financial development, a comparative evaluation of these characteristics of the financial sector for developed and developing countries was carried out using the matrix method, which became the basis for grouping countries and determining the patterns of their movement in clusters. Employing nonparametric methods, the impact of financial soundness on the socio-economic development of the countries was demonstrated, which allowed denying the negative and significantly restraining influence of increasing financial soundness, which requires strengthening the supervision requirements for financial intermediaries, economic growth and socio-economic development of developed countries, as well as developing countries.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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