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Title США та колоніальні протиріччя на Далекому Сході наприкінці XІХ - на початку ХХ ст.
Other Titles США и колониальные противоречия на Дальнем Востоке в конце XIX - начале ХХ вв.
The USA and Colonial Contradictions in the Far East in the Late XIX - at the Beginning XX Centuries
Authors Гончаренко, А.В.
Keywords США
Далекий Схід
зовнішня політика
доктрина "відкритих дверей" та "рівних можливостей"
Дальний Восток
внешняя политика
доктрина "открытых дверей" и "равных возможностей"
the USA
the Far East
foreign policy
doctrine of "open doors" and "equal opportunities"
Type Article
Date of Issue 2018
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Гончаренко, А.В. США та колоніальні протиріччя на Далекому Сході наприкінці XІХ - на початку ХХ ст. [Текст] / А.В. Гончаренко // Сумська старовина. - 2018. - № LII. - С. 60-70.
Abstract У статті досліджено позицію США у колоніальних протиріччях на Далекому Сході наприкінці XIX - на початку ХХ ст. Охарактеризовані причини, хід та наслідки активізації колоніальної експансії США стосовно Китаю протягом періоду, що досліджується. Досліджено причини запровадження та практичну реалізацію Вашингтоном доктрини "відкритих дверей" та "рівних можливостей" щодо Цинської імперії. Проаналізовано роль США у посиленні колоніальної боротьби у Китаї наприкінці XIX - на початку ХХ ст.
В статье исследована позиция США в колониальных противоречиях на Дальнем Востоке в конце XIX - начале ХХ вв. Охарактеризованы причины, ход и последствия активизации колониальной экспансии США в отношении Китая в течение изучаемого периода. Исследованы причины введения и практическая реализация Вашингтоном доктрины «открытых дверей» и «равных возможностей» в Цинской империи. Проанализирована роль США в усилении колониальной борьбы в Китае в конце XIX - начале ХХ вв.
The article investigates the US position in colonial contradictions in the Far East in the late XIX - at the beginning XX centuries. There are described the causes, course and effects of the US colonial expansion in relation to China during the investigated period. There were explored the reasons for the establishment and practical implementation of the "open door" and "equal opportunities" doctrine according the Qing Empire by Washington. It was analyzed the role of the United States in the intensification of the colonial struggle in China in the late XIX - at the beginning XX centuries. At the end of the XIX - early XX centuries the United States is entering the international arena as a great state. By opposing its republican imperialism, as "liberation" and "civilizational", imperialism of other countries, the United States firmly began to intervene in colonial politics, trying to subordinate the ambitions of states to their own interests. The main object of American expansion in the Far East was China, in which the United States had, first of all, economic interests, defending of them at that time was impossible without establishing a political superiority in the Asia-Pacific region. Strengthening Washington’s colonial positions in the Far East at the end of the XIX and early XX centuries was determined by its long-term geopolitical interests in this region. The colonial contradictions that aggravated as a result of this in the Celestial Empire were the result of the divergence of economic interests of the great states. The doctrine of "open doors", introduced by the US government in a diplomatic service, proclaimed a new principle in colonial politics, aimed at cooperation between the leading countries of that period world, which was supposed to replace isolationism, the system of blocs and military-political rivalry. In this case interests of the United States coincided with the interests of Great Britain, which saw in this doctrine the protection of its empire from the ambitions of other states, which laid the foundations for further Anglo-American cooperation. However, the United States failed to significantly strengthen its colonial positions or establish its hegemony in the Far East because of the irreconcilable position of Japan. American policy in the region was unsuccessful due to the strengthening of Japan’s position in China and the violation of the "open door" policy in Korea and Manchuria. However, to pursue antiJapanese policies in the Far East, the American leadership did not dare, which was due to the relative weakness of military positions, the presence of the Anglo-Japanese alliance and the growth of the revolutionary movement in China. In addition, the White House has devoted a lot of efforts to minimizing Russia’s presence in Manchuria.
Appears in Collections: Сумська старовина


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