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Title Маркетинг і менеджмент зелених інвестицій
Authors Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna  
Keywords грінвошинг-індекс
доброчесна маркетингова політика
екологічний менеджмент
екологічна свідомість
екологічні цінні папери
зелений бренд
зелені інвестиції
зелений маркетинг
сталий розвиток
greenwashing index
fair marketing policy
environmental management
environmental awareness
environmental securities
green brand
green investment
green marketing
sustainable development
Type Synopsis
Date of Issue 2019
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Пімоненко, Т.В. Маркетинг і менеджмент зелених інвестицій [Текст]: автореферат ... д-ра екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Т.В. Пімоненко. - Суми: СумДУ, 2019. - 34 с.
Abstract У дисертації поглиблено структуризацію методичних підходів до визначення сутності зелених інвестицій та уточнено їх зміст, удосконалено теоретикометодичне підгрунтя системної реалізації управлінського, маркетингового та інституційного забезпечення зеленого інвестування, визначено специфічні принципи та вдосконалено критеріальну базу менеджменту зелених інвестицій, обгрунтовано специфічні особливості комплексу маркетингу зелених інвестицій і здійснено типологізацію їх стратегій, удосконалено підхід до оцінювання рівня доброчесності маркетингової політики екологовідповідального підприємства, поглиблено типологізацію підходів до визначення зеленого бренда компанії та розроблено конвергентний підхід до його вимірювання, обгрунтовано напрямки взаємозв’язку зеленого бренда та зелених інвестицій, розроблено науково-методологічне підгрунтя оцінювання впливу рівня доброчесності маркетингової політики еколого-відповідального підприємства на його зелений бренд, обгрунтовано коінтеграційні зв’язки між обсягами зелених інвестицій підприємницького сектору та еколого-економічними ефектами, визначено напрямки їх урахування під час формування системи комунікацій між стейкхолдерами зеленого інвестування, обгрунтовано драйвери розвитку системи маркетингу та менеджменту зелених інвестицій на підприємствах України на основі європейського досвіду.
The dissertation is devoted to the development of the theoretical and methodological basis of marketing and management of green investment in the framework of the company’s management and developing of green investment market. The classification of approach to defining green investing depends on investment target was deepen and proposed as follows: technological (goal – pollution prevention and elimination); project (goal – implementation of green innovation and clean technology projects); financial (goal – profit from eco-activities); convergent (goal is the harmonization of social, ecological and economic effects) and marketing (goal is the developing of green awareness among stakeholders). The green investments were defined as property and intellectual values, which are directed into real and financial assets for the purpose of obtaining explicit and latent economic, environmental and social effects, and are accompanied by the use of marketing instruments for the cultivation of green awareness among stakeholders, management practices of environmentally responsible business and institution conditions of green investing. The marketing and management of green investment proposed to analyse not as isolated so as integrating the system with institutional conditions of green investing. It allowed to considering causal relationships, explicit and latent channels of interaction between key stakeholders, complementary nature of the green investment, effects of flows and diffusion of management and marketing decisions in the field of green investing, obtained the synergistic effect of green investing, which was reflected in the growth of company’s value. In order to individualize the green investment management instruments, it is necessary to create individual profiles for the institutional, capitalization and consumer-technology clusters of the green investing’s stakeholders. The green investment management system should integrate both traditional management and investment principles and a range of specific green investment principles, the core principals –collaboration, dissemination, and convergence. The complementary nature of green investment management requires the adjustment of managerial decision-making criteria for the feasibility of implementing green investing’s projects. The main one is the indicator of social, ecological and economic effect, which considering the weighted average cost of raising capital for the realization of green investment (green loans, funds of specialized international funds, resources from the green stock market, etc.), environmental taxes and penalties, saving of all kinds of resources and social payments as a result of the green investment implementation, direct and indirect revenue from green investment. With the implementation of the sustainable development concept, traditional 4P marketing concepts were transformed into 8P. Moreover, green and investment marketing concepts were developing too. The features of the 8P complex of green investment marketing, as well as the impact, image and hidden marketing strategies of green investment, were determined. It considers the financial, economic, environmental and social aspects of shaping the market environment for promoting green investment, creating eco-oriented consumer and investment public needs. Unfair and deliberate misleading of consumers about the company’s green performance of or unreasonably declaring and promoting its green goals could provoke to loss of profit, the outflow of investments, reputation losses, decreasing in the level of consumer confidence in the brand, etc. It was proposed to calculate a greenwash index using the PLS-PM model, the source of which was the content analysis of public information provided on the company’s web resources. The findings on of domestic industrial enterprises of the mechanical engineering and metallurgical industry showed that the most negative was perceived by stakeholders when information on the official page masked real data, making green targets better than they were. Approaches to defining a company green brand was proposed to structure according to the corer element of the Brand-wheel (parametric, resultant, emotional, association method); the level of brand perception (scaling, inclusion, and competencies); the object of assessment (ABC method, capitalization, rating, market, comparative). The existing system of approaches to defining a company's green brand was complemented by a converged one, which allows a comprehensive assessment of all components of a green brand, as well as considering not only the absolute but also the comparative advantages of a company in terms of market positioning as an environmentally responsible one. It has been tested on the example of the national industrial companies: Metinvest Group, PrJSC "Dniprospetsstal", PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih". The relationship between green investment and green brand as one of the most whispered marketing instruments had the objective and objective characters, their impact was conditional. That was confirmed by a combination of system and structural analysis and Google Trends instruments (the trends and volatility of Internet queries for these concepts were completely identical). On the one hand, due to the growing value of the green brand, the company got additional opportunities to attract green investment; on the other hand, the amount of green investment contributed to the growth of the company’s green. A one-point increasing in the greenwash index as an indicator of the integrity of a company's eco-friendly marketing policy leads to a decrease in the company's green brand level by 0.56 points. This is confirmed by practical calculations on empirical data of Ukrainian industrial enterprises using an approach that involves the use of content analysis and graphs of measurement of formative and reflective models of PLS-PM, as well as considering the duality of causal relationships between factors. It is necessary to use a chain communication network and considering cointegration linking between the green investment and ecological and economic effects in order to develop the effective channels of the collaboration of the stakeholders from the different clusters (institutional, capitalization and consumer-technological). The findings based on the constructed economic and mathematical model (cointegration was estimated using the Pedroni test and the least-squares method) on the data of the EU and Ukraine for 2000–2017 showed that a 1 % increase in the volume of green in-vestment lead to GDP increasing of 6.1 %, renewable energy sources – by 7.5%, and greenhouse gas emission reductions – by 4.8 %. The drivers to boost the marketing and management system in Ukrainian companies based on European experience were developed.
Appears in Collections: Автореферати


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