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Showing results 1 to 10 of 34
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Development of Health Economy in the Island of Sri Lank Jayasundera, A.M. Article 699821 1019115
2023 Dietary Choices as Prevention Measure: Assessment of Societal Effects Related to Life Expectancy in Germany Schmitt, M. Article 22756 29401
2023 Influence of Waste Incineration and Obtaining Energy from it to the Public Health for Certain Territories: A Bibliometric and Substantive Study Matvieieva, Yuliia Tahibekivna; Sulym, Viktoriia Vasylivna; Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Jasnikowski, A. Article 129903 490101
2023 Theoretical Research Aspects of the Key COVID-19 Trends and Transformation of Indicators in the Healthcare Sphere Didenko, Iryna Viktorivna; Kurovska, Yu.; Dzwigol, H. Article 763858994 390633113
2023 Interrelationship Between Indexes of the Population Medical Care Quality and Macroeconomic Efficiency Sheliemina, N. Article 80376 81224
2023 Obtaining Consumer Information for the Purchase of Over-TheCounter Medicines and Food Supplements from Hungarian-Speaking Adult Consumers in Slovakia Szigeti, S.; Jozsa, L. Article 187983 190159
2023 Efficiency of Healthcare Expenditure in the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Periods Vysochyna, Alina Volodymyrivna; Kwilinski, Aleksy Article 75827 45268
2023 Safety Audit Considerations for a Healthy Workplace that Puts «People Before Profit» and OSHA Compliance Mujtaba, B.G.; Kaifi, B. Article 773286 1765326
2023 Women Participation in Entrepreneurial Activities in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence from SMEs Sector Hossain, S.; Islam, M.S.; Kundu, S.; Faruq, O.; Hossen, M.A. Article 396825 646088
2023 Countries’ Vulnerability to COVID-19 Depending on the Health Behaviour Patterns of the Population Letunovska, Nataliia Yevhenivna; Boliukh, V. Article 1638165129 214031214