Browsing by Keywords conductivity

Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 CdZnO Coated Thin Films: Application for Energy Conversion Devices Zargar, R.A.; Shah, A.H.; Reshi, H.A.; Arora, M.; Mir, F.A. Article -7739319 -355020230
2020 Characterization of Spin Coated Tin Oxide Thin Films for Optoelectronic Applications Maache, M.; Chala, A.; Devers, T. Article -1196141107 -1814944639
2019 Effect of Long-Range Passivation of Impurity Atoms by Surface Dangling Bonds on the Conductivity of Porous Silicon Ptashchenko, F. Article 366755 683993
2017 Electrical conductivity of “liquid crystal – Cu6PS5I superionic nanoparticles” composites Mashiko, V.V.; Studenyak, I.P. Conference Papers 8182871 6953860
2016 Femtosecond Laser Crystallization of Boron-doped Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Films Rybalko, P.D.; Khenkin, M.V.; Forsh, P.A.; Drevinskas, R.; Matsukatova, A.N.; Kazansky, P.; Kazanskii, A.G. Article -873766405 -1932133161
2018 Influence of Defective Formations on Photoconductivity of Layered Crystals with Cationic Substitution Kashuba, A.; Andriyevskyy, B.; Semkiv, I.; Andriyevska, L.; Petrus, R.; Zmiiovska, E.; Popovych, D. Article 88463912 49837325
2019 Laser-induced Point Defects in CdTe:Mn Single Crystals Irradiated by IR Laser Plyatsko, S.V.; Gromovyi, Yu.S.; Stril’chuk, O.M.; Rashkovets’kyi, L.V.; Zaharuk, Z.I. Article 102913252 107190141
2020 Mechanisms of Changing the Conductivity of Porous Silicon in an Ammonia Atmosphere – DFT Modeling Ptashchenko, F. Article 2083004 2187747
2022 Microdefects and Electrical Properties of β-Ga2O3 and β-Ga2O3:Mg Crystals Grown by Floating Zone Technique Vasyltsiv, V.; Kostyk, L.; Tsvetkova, O.; Kushlyk, M.; Slobodzyan, D.; Diduk, R.; Pavlyk, B.; Luchechko, A. Article 568943412 526813015
2020 Polyethylene Oxide/Barium Titanate Composites: Optical, Electrical and Thermal Properties Al-Ramadin, Y.; Elimat, Z.M. Article 43252056 34117476
2019 Sensitivity Properties of Graphene with Metal Nanoparticles Konobeeva, N.N.; Kulbina, A.S.; Zaporotskova, I.V.; Belonenko, M.B. Article 384045935 394386540
2018 Structure, Strength and Conductive Properties of Vacuum Cu-Ta Condensates Zhadko, M.A.; Zubkov, A.I.; Sobol’, O.V.; Subbotin, A.V.; Zozulya, E.V.; Zelenskaya, G.I. Article 2021484600 1726008803
2019 The Crystalline Structure, Optical and Conductivity Properties of Fluorine Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Diha, A.; Benramache, S.; Fellah, L. Article 9728963 -35700679
2018 The Influence of Laser Irradiation and Ultrasound on the Structure, Surface Condition and Electrical Properties of TiS[2]/C Composites Budzulyak, I.M.; Yablon, L.S.; Ilnytskyi, R.V.; Morushko, O.V.; Hemiy, O.M. Article 205020250 128992878
2016 The Mechanism of Interaction of Esters of Methacrylic Acid with Carbon Nanotubes to Create a New Polymer Composite Material Zaporotskova, I.V.; Elbakyan, L.S. Article 285082601 803370143
2015 Анізотропія провідності в електрон-опроміненому n-InSe Ковалюк, З.Д.; Мінтянський, І.В.; Савицький, П.І. Conference Papers 24619801 25868523
2014 Вплив металізації вуглецю на характеристики суперконденсаторів Семенчук, І.І. Conference Papers 72895643 29723240
2015 Вплив інтеркалювання “Wine” на імпеданс шаруватих кристалів InSe Фешак, Т.М. Conference Papers 1032963 1313103
2019 Дослідження впливу провідності живильних каналів на робочі характеристики імпульсного ущільнення Хоменко, А.В. Bachelous Paper 3 0
2016 Особенности изменения электрических свойств оксида цинка при его легировании литием Литвиненко, В.С.; Ляшков, А.Ю.; Макаров, В.О. Conference Papers 6927005 8203360