Browsing by Keywords Китай

Showing results 1 to 20 of 37
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Analysis of Effectiveness of Chinese TNCs: Tencet case study Korobko, S.O. Bachelous Paper 1677844712 1205619185
2020 Artificial Intelligence: Serving American Security and Chinese Ambitions Obeid, H.; Hillani, F.; Fakih, R.; Mozannar, K. Article 962601346 2080572211
2023 Book Review on Stephen L. Morgan (2021). The Chinese Economy Gentle, P.F. Article 35303 35654
2023 Comparison of rural population burden between China and Ukraine Medvid, V.Yu.; Cui, L. Article 2867915 4031256
2019 Competition among China and ASEAN-5 in the US Market: A New Extension to Shift-Share Analysis He, S. Article -343991046 -1074545727
2023 Convergence and Disparities in Higher Education Fiscal Expenditures in China: A Regional Perspective Yu, Y.; Ruoxi, L.; Tingting, Y.; Xinxin, W. Article 45666 22809
2023 Economic analysis of energy efficiency of China's and India's national economies Ji, Zihui; Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna Article -96353958 1125515591
2023 Features of Chinese TNCs activity on the international market Korobko, S.O. Masters thesis 1393 2791
2022 Foreign trade relations between Ukraine and China Bondar, D.Y. Bachelous Paper -170780532 -740109674
2020 The Impact of China-US Trade Conflict on Korean Economy Shuquan, He; Sora, Ju Article 330981440 278488992
2021 Innovations in Human Resource Management: Willingness and Ability of Long-Term Care Insurance Yin, H.; Huo, Zh.; Klietsova, N.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Y. Article -837602523 1449471704
2018 Relationship between Organization Culture and Managers’ Performance: Empirical Study of a Chinese University Ong, Y.; Yue, W. Article 885881376 -494245037
2015 Research of Development in Internet-Based Finance in China Tu, Yuxia; Hao, Suinian Article -528595881 -514183275
2022 Rethinking the Africa-China Trade: Some Policy Considerations and Implications Rakotoarisoa, M.A.; Fang, C. Article 666139 358260
2023 The Role of Digital Economy in Enhancing the Sports Industry to Attain Sustainable Development Wei, Xiaolong; Zhang, Jianwei; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Article 153 78
2019 The Impact of Trade on Environmental Quality: A Business Ethics Perspective and Evidence from China He, S. Article 987900383 -721670046
2018 The Transmission of International Food Commodity Prices to China Shuquan, H. Article 550288875 569668570
2023 Американська історіографія зовнішньої політики США щодо КНР, 1949–1991 рр. Honcharenko, Anatolii Volodymyrovych Article 49360 48882
2009 Екологічні проблеми Китаю Vaskin, Roman Anatoliiovych; Бай, Бін Conference Papers -984732075 -1992330944
2022 Зовнішньоторговельні відносини України з Китаєм Кулік, А.О. Bachelous Paper 1481455213 -157022418