Browsing by Keywords ризики

Showing results 1 to 20 of 126
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 An approach to the use of indices-based analysis subject to money laundering and terrorist financing national risk assessment Dmytrov, S.; Medvid, T. Article -1752146951 179459876
2012 Environmental problems, risks and challenges of contemporary production Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Dehtyarova, Iryna Borysivna; Dehtiarova, Iryna Borysivna; Romanko, O.S. Article -1562913579 269858063
2024 Functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of war: socio-economic, energy and environmental consequences Gura, A.; Kubatko, Oleksandra Viktorivna Conference Papers 0 0
2014 Global energy conflicts and sustaіnable development risks caused by the climate changes Karaieva, N.V. Article 1706763905 2059276884
2020 The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on business activities in Ukraine Boronos, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna; Bilous, Y. Article 888059176 -1691581208
2024 Innovative Approaches to Improving the Process of Risk Management in the Context of Developing a Strategy for the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises Kuznietsova, Anzhela Yaroslavivna; Kulish, D.; Prykhodko, B.; Kuznietsov, Oleksandr Yuriiovych Article 3543 1335
2022 Logistics activities of transport enterprises and supply chain management in international business Miroshnychenko, K.S. Masters thesis 1035161 1427638
2017 Modification of the International Energy Agency Model (the IEA Model of Short-term Energy Security) for Assessing the Energy Security of Ukraine Salihaj, T.; Pryimenko, S. Article 1572501263 1429689964
2017 Modification of the international energy agency model (the IEA model of short-term energy security) for assessing the energy security of Ukraine Salihay, T.; Pryimenko, Svitlana Anatoliivna Article 30291 70500
2020 The most significant economic opportunities and economic risks of Industry 4.0 Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna Conference Papers 4425280 3688679
2017 Mетодичні аспекти діагностики маркетингової політики розподілу підприємства Syhyda, Liubov Oleksiivna; Saher, Liudmyla Yuriivna; Ivashova, Nadiia Vasylivna Book chapter -1582022215 -1764629582
2017 Research of innovation activity influence on return of stocks in industrial enterprises Obidjon, G.; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article 308641086 1608860597
2018 Specific features of considering and risk management in the activity of venture industriak enterprises in Ukraine Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Bozhkova, Viktoriia Viktorivna; Derykolenko, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Illiashenko, Nataliia Serhiivna Article 314048186 1905173513
2015 Systemic Approach to Estimation of Operational Risks Kozhukhivska, O.; Bidyuk, P.; Kozhukhivskyi, A.; Kolesova, M. Conference Papers 16756662 14570171
2015 The competitive strategies of the automobile construction enterprises: european experience and ukrainian realities Okhrimenko, O.O. Article -2111381559 1313197672
2016 The improvement of approaches to the classification of risks of industrial enterprises Posokhov, I.M.; Zhadan, U.V. Article -1917052239 1805520441
2021 Адміністративно-правові засади організації та функціонування системи економічної безпеки України Melnyk, Vadym Ivanovych PhD Thesis 894272377 636942127
2021 Адміністративно-правові засади організації та функціонування системи економічної безпеки України Melnyk, Vadym Ivanovych Synopsis -246107642 -44814910
2010 Анализ портфельной теории в призме построения методик эффективного управления ассортиментом торгового предприятия Должанский, Игорь Зиновьевич; Лозюк, Виолетта Николаевна Article 114807594 322791305
2020 Аналіз впливу пандемічної кризи COVID-19 на фінансову безпеку бізнесу в Україні Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna; Білоус, Ю.Г.; Головата, В.О. Article 681099678 -2034833773