Browsing by Keywords світова економіка

Showing results 1 to 20 of 54
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2009 A new world economy Svirskaya, T. Conference Papers -1682800658 -369585166
2022 Analysis of changes in the world economy caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna; Teslyk, A.V. Article 1887548088 -1067778333
2021 Business English Upgrade: Feel Confident in Global Economic Environment Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna Schoolbook 1229533397 2113828148
2023 Business tourism: a prospective direction of tourist activity Makar, O.P. Article 1971016617 -1431170500
2012 Cвітова криза заборгованості Illiashenko, Tetiana Oleksiivna; Павленко, І.В. Conference Papers 376079259 -932483011
2021 Development of the currency market of Ukraine in the system of international economic relations Moshkovska, A.S. Bachelous Paper -527764111 879989320
2016 Dylematy światowego rynku energetycznego Januła, E. Conference Papers -1849866652 466623713
2016 Environmental Safety of Ukraine Yeniseieva, D.A. Conference Papers 24520589 28160772
2015 Global trends of economic diplomacy development under globalization Kanishchenko, O.L.; Mamalyga, O.O. Article 1740217140 507874650
2021 International labor migration and its impact on the world economy Luciy, V.I. Masters thesis 284871695 841513058
2014 Management of cost-effective usage of resources in a steady economic development Shevtsov, Serhii Valeriiovych Conference Papers 1929045481 -800292460
2021 Modern monetary and financial system and problems of its reform Pokhyl, V.A. Bachelous Paper 1640142734 1769536456
2020 Perspectives on global competitiveness in terms of modern challenges Vavilichev, M.D. Masters thesis -756070726 -435070164
2009 Return to state intervention as “a new tool” of global economy? Haber J., Article 39739674 40514765
2021 Study of the impact of global financial crises on the economy of Ukraine Miroshnychenko, K.S. Bachelous Paper 356665489 1103116417
2014 Sustainable development strategy and the european model "eco-social market economy" as a basis for competitiveness in the modern era Ukraine Petruk, M. Conference Papers 761114468 1638713795
2020 World economy Makarenko, Mykhailo Illich; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Artemenko, Alina Serhiivna Schoolbook -1913782522 77496425
2022 Аналіз процесів злиття та поглинання у світовій економіці Новгородцева, М.О. Bachelous Paper 187354902 327435131
2019 Аналіз сучасного стану правової охорони прав інтелектуальної власності в Україні: проблеми та перспективи Lohvynenko, Mykola Ivanovych Conference Papers 104683617 72112935
2014 Вплив "інформаційного вибуху" та цифрового розриву на світову економіку Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Резніченко, В.О. Conference Papers 583933248 659269947