Browsing by Keywords финансовая безопасность

Showing results 1 to 20 of 116
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Actual problems of the legal regulation of the guaranteeing (insurance) system of individuals’ deposits Shvaher, Olha Andriivna Conference Papers 10909127 10390923
2012 Capital market: effects for the financial security of a country (the case of Ukraine) Kubakh, Tetiana Hryhorivna; Shkolnyk, Inna Oleksandrivna Article 548367 528234
2016 Current trends and management features of the regions ecologicaly safe development Dovha, Liubov Viktorivna Conference Papers 1656448614 1773272483
2020 Defining financial security of the state as the vulnerability to external factors Myronova, A.M.; Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna Conference Papers 4079043 4949617
2020 Dependence of the state of public finances on their transparency and the level of corruption in a country Shkolnyk, Inna Oleksandrivna; Kozmenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Mershchii, Borys Yevhenovych; Новацкі, Роберт Article -1662420779 -285322219
2019 Financial inclusion as a driver for the financial security provision in Ukraine Tverezovskaа, O.; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna Conference Papers 71991501 67711380
2019 Financial Security and Information from Financial Markets Plastun, Oleksii Leonidovych; Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Makarenko, Inna Oleksandrivna; Kremen, Viktoriia Mykhailivna; Sheliuk, Asiiat Ashurbiekivna; Semenoh, Andrii Yuriiovych; Yelnikova, Yuliia Vasylivna; Shcherbyna, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Zamora, Oksana Mykhailivna; Artemenko, A.; Philatova, H.; Bochkareva, T. Monograph 1493565652 51006269
2017 Financial support of agricultural land in Ukraine Davydenko, N.M. Article -777103097 1474172545
2015 Genesis of enterprise financial security Davydenko, N.M. Article 268407774 -715999825
2022 The impact of digital transformations on the transparency of financial-economic relations and financial security of Ukraine Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Novikov, V.M.; Chukhno, R.Yu. Article 24140049 72684601
2020 Indicators of financial system security Antoniuk, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Myronova, А. Conference Papers 61022417 25282361
2018 Information asymmetry reduction as a basis for the financial security of the state Plastun, Oleksii Leonidovych Monograph 22620083 13992926
2019 New challenges for financial security in Ukraine: using cryptocurrency in criminal income legalization Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Kirilieva, A. Conference Papers 5195866 3429498
2019 New challenges for financial security in Ukraine: Using cryptocurrency in criminal income legislation Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna; Kirileva, A.O. Conference Papers 623951593 339552730
2021 Organizational and economic support for the foreign trade activities development of Ukraine business structures Nikitchenko, Yevhen Oleksandrovych; Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna Conference Papers 882734 356213
2017 Prior to the Financial Security through Control over the Use of Public Funds, Assessment Methodology and Practical Experience in Ukraine Esmanov, O.; Dunne, P. Article -1442590226 1004237526
2020 Problems of measuring country's financial security Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Jurgilewicz, O.; Poliakh, S.; Tvaronavičienė, M.; Hydzik, P. Article 557558089 1563101279
2021 The role of a defence industry in the system of nationalsecurity: case stady Ilchenko, Oleksandr Vasylovych; Brusakova, O.; Burchenko, Y.; Yaroshenko, A.; Bagan, Y. Article -615497479 -1469843105
2019 The state financial security and sustainability of financial sector in Ukraine: their state and management peculiarities Kliushnyk, T.; Drofa, A.; Shcherbyna, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 64538577 31027697
2015 Tax security as a component of the financial security of a country Krapyvnyi, Ivan Vasylovych; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Liutyi, V. Conference Papers 279515272 33377095