Browsing by Keywords Graphene

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 A DFT Study of Hydrogen Adsorption onto Graphene: Effect of Nitrogen Doping Petrushenko, I.K. Article 1558544666 -550239190
2013 Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics of Nanosized Graphene Sheets Wang, S.Q. Conference Papers 101703390 266303502
2012 Computational Strategy for Graphene: Insight from Odd Electrons Correlation Sheka, E.F. Conference Papers -2000579620 983100405
2012 Constant Electric Field Influence on the Rectification of the Transversal Current Induced by the Sinusoidal and Cnoidal Electromagnetic Waves in Graphene Superlattice Kukhar, E.I.; Kryuchkov, S.V. Conference Papers 169828049 278740353
2014 Effect of high-frequency laser radiation on the graphene current-voltage characteristic Kryuchkov, S.V.; Kukhar’, E.I.; Nikitina, O.S. Article 11425672 24931257
2013 Electromagnetic Radiation Influence on the Transversal Conductivity of the Graphene Superlattice Kryuchkov, S.V.; Kukhar, E.I.; Nikitina, O.S. Conference Papers 366183162 764307029
2013 Electron States and Quasienergy Spectrum of the Graphene Exposed to the Electromagnetic Wave Kryuchkov, S.V.; Kukhar, E.I.; Nikitina, O.S. Article 241587871 393073435
2013 Frictional Anisotropy of Metal Nanoparticles Adsorbed on Graphene Khomenko, Oleksii Vitaliiovych; Проданов, Микола Вікторович; Проданов, Николай Викторович; Prodanov, Mykola Viktorovych; Khomenko, M.A.; Krasulya, B.O. Article -852297495 273223378
2015 Graphene makes our life easier Yurchenko, D. Conference Papers -1891896659 1193836700
2015 Linewidth of Cyclotron Absorption in Band-Gap Graphene: Relaxation Time Approximation vs. Monte Carlo Method Kryuchkov, S.V.; Kukhar’, E.I.; Zav’yalov, D.V. Article 17861110 18835658
2012 Molecular Dynamics of Tribological Processes at Interaction of Cu and Au Nanoparticles with Graphene Sheet Khomenko, Oleksii Vitaliiovych; Prodanov, N.V.; Sinko, D.O. Conference Papers 30466399 6055771
2012 Plasma Processing Reactor on a Base of Beam Plasma Discharge for Producing and Processing Nanomaterials Shustin, E.G.; Isaev, N.V.; Klykov, I.L.; Peskov, V.V. Conference Papers 36116473 89107833
2012 Prospects for the Application of Nanotechnologies to the Computer System Architecture Partyka, J.; Mazur, M. Article -1457992390 -1306006726
2012 Synthesis of Few-layer Graphene Sheets via Chemical and Thermal Reduction of Graphite Oxide Arbuzov, A.A.; Muradyan, V.E.; Tarasov, B.P. Conference Papers 1284388606 1294878116
2013 Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide Using Novel Exfoliation Technique and its Characterizations Pai, Asha R.; Nair, Bipin Article -1054079266 498447742
2013 The Electron Density of States in Graphene on a Substrate with a Local Structural Disorder Bobenko, N.G.; Egorushkin, V.E.; Melnikova, N.V.; Ponomarev, A.N. Conference Papers 156662659 211003611
2017 Two-Dimensional Graphene Superlattice: Energy Spectrum and Current-Voltage Characteristics Kryuchkov, S.V.; Popov, C.A. Article 871800537 -1711493483
2017 Бічні планарні діодні переходи на листі графену з різними областями функціоналізації Балабай, Р.М.; Лубенець, А.Г. Article 4816546 2948548
2015 Колебательные состояния примесных микрообразований на гексагональной подложке Долгов, А.С.; Жабчик, Ю.Л. Article 566953312 547464587
2017 Компьютерное моделирование электрических характеристик углеродных наноцепочек Сергеев, Д.М.; Шункеев, К.Ш. Article 5107804 5386821