Browsing by Keywords Lithuania

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Credibility of a salesperson in retailing: judgments on the basis of their demographic parameters Urbonavicius, S.; Dikcius, V.; Reardon, J. Article 292105677 1584531487
2017 Estonia and Lithuania in transition: A compared analysis of the change and its costs and benefits Pilia, G. Article 1380859605 -1862854102
2021 Factors Affecting Customer Buying Behavior in Online Shopping Davidaviciene, V.; Raudeliuniene, J.; Jonyte-Zemlickiene, A.; Tvaronaviciene, M. Article 820246979 1146138809
2022 Financial Innovation Management: Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Growth of the Baltic Countries Slavinskaite, N.; Lapinskiene, G.; Hlawiczka, R.; Vasa, L. Article 495337595 -730105995
2018 From European integration to European integrity: case of Latvia, Lithuania, Poland Liuta, Olha Vasylivna; Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Kyrychenko, Kostiantyn Ivanovych; Reshetnyak, Ya.V. Article -1159673533 -1395650971
2023 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment from the Nordic Countries on the Structure of Lithuania’s Economy Tvaronaviciene, M.; Simelyte, A.; Stirblyte, G. Article 1831 1886
2008 Influence of the public finance on labor force migration in transitional economies Dubauskas, G. Article 435588448 591066999
2020 Innovations in Human Resources Management: Instruments to Eliminate Mobbing Vveinhardt, J.; Sroka, W. Article 428821850 742913167
2008 Вплив державного бюджету на міграцію робочої сили в країнах з перехідною економікою Дубаускас, Г. Article 47650253 54309827
2020 Децентралізація публічної влади: досвід Литви Stohova, Olha Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 4444 10307