Browsing by Keywords control

Showing results 1 to 20 of 182
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Ankle monitors for offenders' contrl Semenova, A.V. Conference Papers 21122512 40399642
2017 Application for System Administrator of the Mobile Game Parfenenko, Yuliia Viktorivna; Pysmennyi, Ye. Conference Papers -1818597147 1516873976
2019 Comparison between PID and Artificial Neural Networks to Control of Boiler for Steam Power Plant Salim, H.; Sultan, Kh.F.; Jawad, R. Article 1910280467 -944839886
2024 Effectiveness of complex treatment of patients with early-onset and late-onset bronchial asthma associated with obesity Kachkovska, Vladyslava Volodymyrivna; Kovchun, Anna Volodymyrivna; Dudchenko, Iryna Oleksandrivna; Prystupa, Liudmyla Nykodymivna Article 200 202
2008 Institutional organization of banking supervision: lessons for Ukraine Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna Article 107779800 122105352
2020 Leisure Management at the Educational Institutions of the Labour Reserves System During the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine (1945-1950) Korol, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Korol, Vitalii Mykolaiovych; Zinchenko, Anna Volodymyrivna; Камьонка, М. Article -951324031 435761366
2022 Management of higher education institution Zahoruiko, K. Bachelous Paper 18182654 19886940
2021 Marketing management process in blood service companies Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Babaiev, E. Conference Papers 378326 213300
2024 Modeling and analysis of natural resource utilization in the extraction industry: approaches and practices Oleksich, Zhanna Anatoliivna; Ruhal, T. Article 1753 1863
2017 Prior to the Financial Security through Control over the Use of Public Funds, Assessment Methodology and Practical Experience in Ukraine Esmanov, O.; Dunne, P. Article -1442590226 1004237526
2021 Public Control: Problems Of Formation And Organization Of Public Control İn Azerbaijan Salmanov, K. Article -1990306424 489408400
2014 The Control Level of Bronchial Asthma in Dependence of Genotype by BCL1 Polymorphism of Glucocorticoids Receptor Gene and Body Mass Index Kmyta, Vladyslava Volodymyrivna; Orlovskyi, Viktor Feliksovych; Prystupa, Liudmyla Nykodymivna Article -1105577651 -605162710
2016 The problems of accountable and analytical procuring of enterprise management Kovalova, T.V. Article 1977632035 917377096
2015 The problems of the present condition of state control and regulation in the field of economic activity Burbyka, Mykhailo Mykhailovych; Telizhenko, Oleksandr Mykhailovych Article 2139757956 1031694514
2007 The structures of ownership and control of the leading banks in Brazil Goncalves, C.A.; Pardini, D.J.; Meirelles de Moraes, A. Article 2058302030 -1704771694
2020 Автоматизація електричної шахтної печі СШО-13.18/12 Гавриленко Є.Г., Bachelous Paper 167434 198723
2023 Автоматизація підігрівача газу ПГ-30 Донченко, С.М. Bachelous Paper 464278 596866
2024 Автоматизована система керування освітленням і опаленням побутового приміщення Загребельна, К.А. Bachelous Paper 15 17
2024 Автоматизоване керування режимами роботи адаптивної підвіски мобільної роботизованої платформи Поздняк, Б.О. Bachelous Paper 27 16
2021 Автоматизоване управління peжимами роботи насосного aгpeгатa АПЕ 720-185-6 Івченко, Ю.О. Masters thesis 57529585 25601231