Browsing by Keywords financing

Showing results 1 to 20 of 93
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of medical services financial efficiency in the secondary care institutions of Sumy region Potseluiev, Volodymyr Ivanovych; Boiko, Olena Ivanivna; Smiianov, Yevhen Vladyslavovych; Kostenko, Andriana Mykolaivna Article 58 55
2020 Basic financing principles of anti-covid measures: the case of the bank for international settlements. Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna Article 1806754736 105178928
2020 Basic principles of financing of against COVID measures by the Bank of International Settlements Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Qiu, Hongzhou Article 769868285 549995428
2018 Discretionary budget expenditure in the system of state regulation of the country’s socioeconomic development Rekunenko, Ihor Ivanovych; Кужелєв, М.О.; Нечипоренко, А.В.; Немсадзе, Г. Article -1137541224 267557827
2021 Dominant Trends of Housing Market Development: Financing and Affordability. Ianchuk, S. Article -689360275 -696870022
2016 Estimation the impact of macroeconomic factors on the innovation activities of enterprises in Ukraine Khaustova, K.M. Article -1430912791 1159219425
2017 Financing social protection in Ukraine and the European Union: current situation and prospects Bagmet, K.; Obeid, H. Article -1352429792 1844766479
2022 The Impact of Entrepreneurship Financial Opportunities and Business Environment on the Country’s Innovation Development and National Wealth Nazarov, V.; Hajiyev, J.; Mammadova, S.; Ahadov, V.; Amanova, S. Article 402169 435342
2018 Importance of foreign direct investment in financing for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus Hrechyshkina, O.; Samakhavets, M. Article 152199742 100688557
2008 LBO как один из способов финансирования сделок по слияниям и поглощениям Червякова, С.В. Conference Papers 1131610988 429456532
2016 Management of financial sources for innovative development: foreign countries experience Dyba, O.M.; Gernego, Iu.O.; Golub, S.M. Article 1621717654 -389830807
2020 Mapping of the responsible investments instruments in sdg 3 ‘good health and well-being’ financing: EU and US experience Serpeninova, Yuliia Serhiivna; Makarenko, Inna Oleksandrivna; Plastun, Oleksii Leonidovych; Babkoв, A.; Gasimova, G. Article -139903926 59501428
2021 Modern monetary and financial system and problems of its reform Pokhyl, V.A. Bachelous Paper 1640142734 1769536456
2021 Problems of implementation of compulsory health insurance in Ukraine Aleksandrov, Vadym Trofymovych; Rubanov, Pavlo Mykolaiovych; Mazhed Eisa, M. Article 326844332 -1925076544
2014 Risk evaluation at enterprise innovation and investment activity financing Skliar, Iryna Dmytrivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna Article 282165447 525024361
2014 The enterprise risk management and financing innovation in modern market realities Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna Conference Papers 552645720 1197239768
2017 The Relationship Between the Tax Burden and Financing Public Services: A Comparison of Ukraine and European Countries Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna; Shamaelh, A. Article 2075078957 587289094
2019 Адміністративно-правове регулювання кіноіндустрії в Україні Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Корощенко, К.Р. Article -401994920 -1867566519
2005 Аналіз критеріїв економічної доцільності банківського кредитування інноваційних проектів та розрахунок їх ефективності Кузнєцова, А.Я. Article -482346533 1962120289
2019 Аналіз можливостей застосування інноваційних форм фінансування інвестиційних потреб бізнесу Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Соломко, Ю.О. Conference Papers 1988 2249