Browsing by Keywords international trade

Showing results 1 to 20 of 52
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Chinese vector of ukrainian foreign economic relations development Титаренко, Д.Я. Article 1455039 347628
2022 Environment and international trade Kubatko, Oleksandra Viktorivna; Mazin, Yurii Oleksandrovych; Stepanenko, Ye. Conference Papers 22272856 17781908
2020 Environmental aspects of international trade relations Yarova, Inessa Yevhenivna Article 275727471 1296673885
2024 Global environmental problems and their impact on international business Lisniak, B.A. Bachelous Paper 0 1
2022 Global trends in the international trade development and conjuncture on the world goods and services markets Poliakova, S.S. Masters thesis 104291 132888
2015 Global trends of economic diplomacy development under globalization Kanishchenko, O.L.; Mamalyga, O.O. Article 1740217140 507874650
2020 International Economic Relations Khomutenko, Liudmyla Ivanivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Havrylina, Ahniia Volodymyrivna Schoolbook -64631987 -2136321136
2017 International economic relations and sustainable development Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Kurbatova, Tetiana Oleksandrivna; Babenko, V.; Baldzhy, М.; Denysenko, M.; Gevorgyan, S.; Hrytsenko, Larysa Leonidivna; Ibraheem, M.А.; Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Shevtsova, G.; Shimova, O.; Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Tielietov, Oleksandr Serhiiovych; Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Bondarenko, S.; Boyarko, I.; Breus, S.; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Horban, V.; Karna, W.; Karpitskaya, M.; Khaustova, Y.; Knap-Stefaniuk, A.; Krysak, A.; Kubatko, Oleksandr Vasylovych; Kuchmiyov, A.; Lukash, S.; Maslosh, O.; Nazaryan, G.; Omelyanenko, V.; Peresadko, Halyna Oleksandrivna; Pidlisna, O.; Shcherbachenko, Viktoriia Oleksiivna; Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Sidorov, V.; Teletova, S.; Ali, K.M.; Barysenka, P.; Gromyko, N.; Kornatowski, R.; Pankova, J.; Sulaiman, D.J.; Vardanyan, T. Monograph -35831845 -1286055377
2020 International Trade Petrushenko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Yarova, Inessa Yevhenivna Schoolbook 55091035 123017266
2017 International trade policies and sustainability of nano-textiles Narayanan, B.G.; Kadasala, N.R.; Achari, N.L.V.; Sahoo, S. Article -1044095438 783403268
2023 Management of International Trade in the Context of Ensuring Innovative Development Huseynova, L.; Huseynov, A. Article 3401916 3106845
2021 Nigeria export potential and ways to realize it Bot, S. Bachelous Paper -2039349863 694470870
2022 Organizational and economic aspects of international trade Luchkin, O.O. Bachelous Paper 6290216 9148287
2019 Problems and prospects of biofuel export to the world markets Stupina, L.E. Bachelous Paper 2129035571 -103351317
2021 R&D: international trade in financial assets in modern conditions. Trends of the last two years Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Zhuzha, L. Conference Papers 15194268 12533424
2017 Recent Regionalism in UK and USA: A Legal and Economic Analysis Narayanan, B.G.; Jaswal, I.; Sharma, L. Article 61388718 66712008
2019 The Role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Development of International Business Kliushnyk, T.V. Masters thesis 4 0
2021 Ukraine in the international commodity market Hlushchenko, D.T. Bachelous Paper 826786809 1295656397
2015 Аналіз тенденцій посткризового відновлення світової торгівлі Dudchenko, Viktoriia Yuriivna Article 347006 471076
2010 Валютні війни Нештенко, І.О. Conference Papers 860880 950723