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Title Global environmental problems and their impact on international business
Authors Lisniak, B.A.
Keywords стійкість
екологічні проблеми
environmental problems
міжнародний бізнес
international business
урядові постанови
governmental regulations
зелені підходи
green approaches
міжнародна торгівля
international trade
Type Bachelous Paper
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Lisniak B. A. Global environmental problems and their impact on international business : specialty 292 - international economic relations / research advisor M. D. Domashenko. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. 69 p.
Abstract Global ecological problems have a significant impact on international business. In recent times, the imperative to tackle global environmental issues has surged to unprecedented heights, leading to stricter governmental regulations and heightened consumer demand for eco-friendly products and services. Within the sphere of international business, firms are under increasing pressure to adjust their practices to address environmental concerns and seize opportunities in the growing green economy. The purpose of the bachelor's degree qualification paper is to determine the extent of global environmental problems and their implications for international business. To investigate the interconnectedness between environmental challenges and their effects on various aspects of international business operations. To analyze the strategies employed by businesses to mitigate environmental risks, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and contribute to sustainable development in the face of global environmental challenges.
Appears in Collections: Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ БіЕМ)



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