Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ БіЕМ) [1931]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1931
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Agrivoltaics as a promising direction of land use for for ensuring global energy and food security Perederii, T.A. Bachelous Paper 2051666666 306730268
2023 Ambient реклама як сучасний інструмент маркетингу у рекламній кампанії підприємства Охріменко, С.М. Bachelous Paper -1889681095 1890355826
2022 Analysis of Effectiveness of Chinese TNCs: Tencet case study Korobko, S.O. Bachelous Paper 1677844712 1205619185
2024 Analysis of the enterprise management system Dmitrova, А. Bachelous Paper 17 11
2022 Analysis of the financial management system of agricultural enterprises (case study on farm “Malva”) Sheremet, A. Bachelous Paper 1349958482 56518865
2022 Analysis of the HR management system of a state enterprise (case study of the 1st State Fire and Rescue Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Sumy Region) Kursenko, A. Bachelous Paper 218868391 154899542
2023 Analysis of Ukraine's competitiveness on the global commodity market Tsimbal, A.V. Bachelous Paper 13151798 13052790
2022 Analysis of World Financial Markets and Their Development Trends Hyrman, D.A. Bachelous Paper 1175628574 -210061006
2021 Assessment of the competitiveness of “New Post” LLC in foreign markets Zaitseva, A.R.; Зайцева, А.Р. Bachelous Paper -159474542 -1246728294
2021 Assessment of the probability of fraud in the process of lending to bank customers Радько, В.В; Radko, V.V. Bachelous Paper -487619217 91487394
2021 Automation of the retail trade at the enterprise Лебедєва, Ю.В.; Lebedeva, Yu.V. Bachelous Paper -1979671980 -581657034
2024 Benefits and risks of ukraine's cooperation with international financial organizations Chepulska, A.L. Bachelous Paper 1 0
2021 Brand Promotion through Social Media Laponohova, О. Masters thesis -134817732 354580346
2021 Business leadership in international companies: modern models and success factors Siki, P.O. Masters thesis -1519917822 531530094
2023 Business planning as a tool to improve the efficiency of the enterprise operation Quaye, M. Bachelous Paper 1663456526 -1357628236
2023 Conflict management and methods of their resolution in modern organizations in Ghana Agyemang, A.A. Bachelous Paper -1262919084 -468441929
2022 Conflict Management: Dealing with Conflict at Work Aworh, M.A. Masters thesis -1742630567 1763518660
2023 Contemporary tendencies of the global foreign exchange market development Yassine, B. Bachelous Paper -1917538474 550157749
2023 Cooperation of Ukraine with international organizations for local economic development Volkov, V.V. Masters thesis 1880 581
2021 Corporate management models in the activity of an international company Kyianenko, A.V. Bachelous Paper 215594232 1118188361