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Showing results 4721 to 4740 of 94765
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 An examination of factors affecting tourists’ destination choice: empirical evidence from Bangladesh Mim, M.K.; Hasan, M.M.; Hossain, A.; Khan, M.Y.H. Article 984670 1712951
2020 Examination Of The Relationship Between Oil Price Shock And Macroeconomic Variables In Nigeria Awujola, A.; Iyakwari, A.D.B.; Bot, R.E Article 1469700157 1264004818
2019 Examination of the Role of Business Ethics with Google Trends Kiss, L.B. Article 365067031 -1564591754
2023 Examination of the Tourism Market after the COVID19 – Travel Habits of Generation Y and Z in Slovakia and Hungary Basa, K.; Machova, R.; Boros, A. Article 29487135 55433980
2012 Examination of Thermally Induced Deformations of Composite System “Porous Silicon – Liquid” Kuzmich, A.G.; Andrusenko, D.A.; Teselko, P.A.; Isaiev, M.V.; Burbelo, R.M. Conference Papers 3000786 5112482
2021 Examining A Lump Sum Tax and Optimal Tax Theory Fast, R Article 138234572 142566824
2021 Examining Budgeting and Fund Allocation in Higher Education Tsyhaniuk, Dmytro Leonidovych; Akenten, W.N. Article -1891755515 -1677208066
2020 Examining Counsellor Expertise: Evidence from the Sri Lankan Microfinance Sector Abeysekera, R. Article -1980849996 -430312354
2018 Examining the Efficacy of the Common Law Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Bullying in the Context of the Employment Relationship Cavico, F.; Mujtaba B., ; Lawrence E., ; Muffler S., Article -1835981715 490223848
2017 Examining the factors effective on brand equity from potential and actual customer's viewpoint Gharehbiglo, H.; Mofid, S.A.; Charandabi, S.E.; Piroozinia, H. Article 17637911 32123196
2024 Examining the Relationship between Innovation Activity and Corporate Cooperation among Small and Medium-sized Business Operating in the Slovak ICT Sector Korcsmaros, E.; Machova, R.; Csereova, A. Article 180 36
2023 Examining the Role of Education Spending on China's Regional Economy from the Standpoints of Human and Intellectual Capital Yu, Y.; Tingting, Y.; Ruoxi, L.; Xinxin, W. Article 37616 19011
2022 Excess COVID-19 Infections, Mortality, and Economic Development in India Mathur, M.; Ray, A. Article 6174 5656
2015 Exchange anisotropy: phenomenological description and a simple model Shamardin, A.V. Conference Papers 2308269 2132696
2022 Exchange rate policy regimes, private investment behaviour and economic growth in Nigeria (1960 -2020) Popoola, M.A.; Ajayi, J.O.; Abiodun, T.S. Article 6945860 4848826
2007 Exchange rate volatility and its impact on risk management with internal models in commercial banks Srečko, D.; Grum, A. Article 464052666 100529326
2023 Exchange rate, interest rate and economic development in Nigeria (1980-2020) Olajide, O.S.; Aderonke, A.B.; Ajike, O.K. Article 499298 464414
2011 Exciplexes of fullerene C60 with aromatic solvents Ar'ev, I.A.; Lebovka, N.I.; Ogenko, V.M.; Tokmenko, I.I. Conference Papers 449399630 687361177
2012 Excited State Relaxation in Vacuum Deposited and Solution Processed Films of Merocyanine/Fulerene Blends Peckus, D.; Devizis, A.; Hertel, D.; Gulbinas, V. Conference Papers 306276591 80826115
2019 Excitonic Properties of Perylene Diimide Based Dyes Syrotyuk, S.V.; Klysko, Yu.V. Article 23507168 17055397