Наукові видання (ТеСЕТ) [4574]

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 4574
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2012 Das methode zur ermittlung des verschleisses der schneideklinge Zaloga, O.; Ocak, M. Conference Papers -775036230 -723058981
2016 Deodorants and anti-perspirants Dychenko, Tetiana Vasylivna; Nwoke, S. Conference Papers 385556808 303336233
2020 Design logical linguistic models to calculate necessity in trucks during agricultural cargoes logistics using fuzzy logic Medvediev, I.; Muzylyov, D.; Shramenko, N.; Nosko, P.; Eliseyev, P.; Ivanov, Vitalii Oleksandrovych Article -506691806 -1482994112
2022 Determination of rational conditions for oil extraction from oil hydration waste Bliznjuk, O.; Masalitina, N.; Myronenko, L.; Zhulinska, O.; Denisenko, T.; Nekrasov, Serhii Serhiiovych; Stankevych, S.; Bragin, O.; Romanov, O.; Romanova, T. Article 12494751 17825108
2020 Determining the effect of anthropogenic loading on the environmental state of a surface source of water supply Ponomarenko, R.; Pliatsuk, Leonid Dmytrovych; Hurets, Larysa Leonidivna; Grigorenko, N.; Sherstiuk, M.; Miakaiev, O. Article 30956414 95344475
2021 Determining the main regularities in the process of mineral fertilizer granule encapsulation in the fluidized bed apparatus Ostroha, Ruslan Oleksiiovych; Yukhymenko, Mykola Petrovych; Bocko, J.; Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Krmela, J. Article -1962879122 -1140180874
2022 Development of Flexible Fixtures with Incomplete Locating: Connecting Rods Machining Case Study Ivanov, Vitalii Oleksandrovych; Botko, F.; Dehtiarov, I.; Kočiško, M.; Evtuhov, A.; Pavlenko, Ivan Volodymyrovych; Trojanowska, J. Article 5719725 8430473
2016 Development of integrated technology of FRP gear manufacturing Osadchyi, Ihor Olehovych; Kryvoruchko, Dmytro Volodymyrovych; Kolesnyk, Vitalii Oleksandrovych; Mital, Dusan; Hatala, Michal; Duplak, Jan Article -1751621983 1881990054
2021 Development of pumps with improved anti-cavitation characteristics Tiahno, Oleksandr Viacheslavovych; Vorozhka, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Ovcharenko, Mykhailo Serhiiovych; Loburenko, Mykhailo Vasylovych; Papchenko, Andrii Anatoliiovych Article 59708831 81302971
2021 Distribution of the Dispersed Phase in the Gas Cleaning Equipment with Pulsating Plug Kozii, Ivan Serhiiovych; Pliatsuk, Leonid Dmytrovych; Hurets, Larysa Leonidivna Article 237647607 257177949
2009 Dynamic analysis of the locking automatic balancing device of the multistage centrifugal pump Pavlenko, Ivan Volodymyrovych Article 2064881793 548439288
2004 E-learning for environment on the example of the distance education course: introduction to cleaner production and sustainable development Suprunenko, S. Conference Papers 450759340 453625674
2004 East dimension of European Union policy, asymmetrical threats and environmental security in the region Neprytskyy, O. Conference Papers -161266694 1439588474
2011 Ecological and economical importance of waste water treatment Alias, Naser Ibraheem Conference Papers 256177924 143028444
2004 Ecological aspects of international safety Donaj, L. Conference Papers -1180993740 264836887
2004 Ecological economics as the economics of sustainable development Maslyukivska, O. Conference Papers 1648391679 1783106579
2004 Ecological education in Ukraine Dmytrenko, Alla Oleksandrivna; Kudlay, E. Conference Papers 1982429414 519337271
2004 Ecological product packing Opanasiuk, Yuliia Anatoliivna Conference Papers 546531348 1305082207
2004 Ecologically focused society Patrikeeva, O. Conference Papers 2100473022 -1747340521
2004 Ecologization of the investment projects as the factor of preservation of an environment Karpishchenko, Oleksandr Oleksiiovych Conference Papers 224301202 -919346340