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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 До питання про підкарпатських русинів (за матеріалами Ліги Націй) Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Samoilenko, Yevhen Anatoliiovych Conference Papers 1937519 1367650
2020 До питання про становище українських земель після Першої світової війни Улько, Є.С.; Мурашко, К.О.; Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych Conference Papers 725400413 854814869
2020 Копія «Строенной книги» острогу Кам’яного 1651 р. Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Осадчий, Є.М. Book 38017291 80382452
2022 Border Battle: Fighting on the Ukrainian-Moscow Border in 1660–1661 Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Osadchij, E.M.; Gut, J. Article 444954185 286919518
2021 The Effect of Social Media on Financial Literacy Shvaher, Olha Andriivna; Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Polyakova, L.G. Article 1843336606 -562055985
2021 Первая мировая война и коллективная визуальная иллюзия: случай в Житомире Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Gerasymov, T.Yu.; Gut, J.; Polyakova, L.G. Article 16368515 14220098
2021 Representatives of the Unprivileged Social Groups of the Former Hetmanate on Public Service of the Russian Empire (on the example of the Peasant-Cossack Kunits Family) Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Nazarov, Mykola Serhiiovych; Polyakova, L.G.; Gut, J. Article 301764436 774333200
2021 Neurasthenia and "Spirit of 1914": A Causal Relationship (on the Materials of the Right-Bank Ukraine) Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Romanyuk, I.M.; Gut, J.; Polyakova, L.G. Article 1751129325 -172274095
2020 The Social Background of Functionaries in the Russian Empire’s Public Education Sector in the First Half of the 19th century: The Case of the Ukrainian Governorates Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Polyakova, L.G.; Gut, J. Article 10046788 18421155
2020 The Institution of Honorary Supervisors in the System of Public Education of the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century (The Case of the Kharkov Educational District): Duties, Career, Social Status, and Education Level. Part 1 Dehtiarov, Serhii Ivanovych; Polyakova, L.G. Article 83042889 86893762