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Showing results 1 to 10 of 17
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Restriction of Helmholtz Model Polunin, V.M.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Schabanova, I.A.; Ryapolov, P.A.; Myo Min Tan, ; Karpova, G.V.; Aksenova, T.I. Article -1212628343 -1212505162
2013 Fundamental Research of Physics of Magnetic Nanodispersed Fluids as Hardware Dampers Kovarda, V.V. Article 246927986 1249321640
2013 Influence of Mass Transfer Processes on Couette Flow of Magnetic Fluid Bashtovoi, V.G.; Pogirnitskaya, S.G.; Kuzhir, R.; Polunin, V.M.; Ryapolov, P.A.; Shabanova, I.A.; Storozhenko, A.M. Article 259639553 134083746
2013 Influence of Brownian Diffusion on Levitation of Bodies in Magnetic Fluid Bashtovoi, V.; Reks, A.; Klimovich, S.; Motsar, A.; Ryapolov, P.; Storozhenko, A.; Shabanova, I. Article 8594562 9056621
2013 Colloidal Stability and Thermal Stability of Magnetic Fluids Arefyev, I.M.; Arefyeva, T.A.; Kazakov, Yu.B. Article 28340082 27012964
2014 Physics of Hermetic Sealing of Large Portion of Gas Using Magnetic Fluid Membrane Polunin, V.M.; Chervyakov, L.M.; Schabanova, I.A.; Ryapolov, P.A.; Myo Min Tang, ; Lobova, O.V.; Paukov, V.М. Article 1083532961 247479748
2015 Calculation of the Membrane Thickness of Magnetite Nanoparticles on the Surface of the Transparent Conductive Electrode in the Electric Field Chekanov, V.V.; Kandaurova, N.V.; Chekanov, V.S. Article 4575520 8620155
2015 Extinction and Scattering of Light by Magnetic Colloidal Nanoparticles Yerin, C.V. Article 1136957 1762168
2014 Determination of Polydispersity of Magnetics Colloidal Nanopaticles by Optical Methods: Birefringence and Light Scattering Experiments Yerin, C.V. Article 1425347943 -1403837182
2015 The Results of Research of Magnetic Fluid Nanoparticles by Microscopy and X-ray Methods Storozhenko, A.M.; Shabanova, I.A.; Tantsyura, A.O. Article 6220273 10634794