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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Growth and Characterization of Nickel Catalyzed Gallium Oxide Nanowires on Sapphire Substrate Kumar, Sudheer; Goud, B. Srinivas; Singh, R. Article -969575238 -1308022036
2016 Синтез та дослідження структурних, оптичних і фотокаталітичних характеристик V2O5/TiO2 нанокомпозитів Халявка, Т.О.; Камишан, С.В.; Циба, М.М.; Щербаков, С.М. Article 39198586 35117624
2012 Preparation and Characterization of Thermally Evaporated Octa Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanine Thin Films Vadakel, Vinu T.; Menon, C.S. Article 78635043 161239759
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article 1597184342 -279460456
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article 934300755 1489963065
2013 Physico-Chemical Properties of Nanoparticles Functionalized by Polypyrrole Mirgorod, Yu.A.; Fedosyuk, V.M.; Borsch, N.A. Article -1527855841 2082278031
2013 Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing of CIGS Thin Film as an Absorber Layer Ray, J.R.; Desai, M.S.; Panchal, C.J.; Rehani, Bharati; Mehta, P.K. Article -1441728005 449378328
2013 Mechanochemically Synthesized CIGS Nanocrystalline Powder for Solar Cell Application Rehani, Bharati; Ray, J.R.; Panchal, C.J.; Master, Hamza; Desai, R.R.; Patel, P.B. Article 2097073166 1095489428