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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2013 Mechanism and Conditions of Nanoisland Structures Formation by Vacuum Annealing of Ultrathin Metal Films Tomilin, S.V.; Yanovsky, A.S. Article 1692709244 1738515118
2015 Нанокомпозити на основі полібутилентерефталату, синтезованого з циклічних олігомерів бутилентерефталату та мультистінних вуглецевих нанотрубок Бардаш, Л.В.; Файнлейб, О.М.; Григор’єва, О.П.; Буато, Ж. Article 11954668 35161829
2013 Growth and Characterization of Nickel Catalyzed Gallium Oxide Nanowires on Sapphire Substrate Kumar, Sudheer; Goud, B. Srinivas; Singh, R. Article -1494138164 1937819413
2012 Chemical, Structural and Optical Properties of ē-Beam Evaporated Tungsten Diselenide Polycrystalline Thin Film Patel, Maul M.; Patel, K.D.; Pathak, V.M.; Srivastava, R. Article -1793078762 855295559
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article 708605832 1151420680
2014 Nanocomposite Apatite-biopolymer Materials and Coatings for Biomedical Applications Sukhodub, Leonid Fedorovych; Yanovska, G.O.; Sukhodub, L.B.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Stanislavov, O.S. Article -796132614 -279460456
2013 Characterization of Coated Fe-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Benhaliliba, M.; Ocak, Y.S.; Tab, A. Article -1300879699 -1212097088
2015 Nonlinear Effects of Laser Surface Modification of Ore Minerals Leonenko, N.A.; Vanina, E.A.; Veselovа, E.M.; Kuzmenko, A.P. Article -1444360137 -960082654
2013 Influence of the Substrates Nature on Optical and Structural Characteristics of SnO2 Thin Film Prepared by Sol-Gel Technique Tripathy, Sumanta Kumar; Hota, Bhabani Prasad Article -1752115400 -568868671
2012 Preparation and Characterization of Thermally Evaporated Octa Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanine Thin Films Vadakel, Vinu T.; Menon, C.S. Article 78635045 16394372