Журнал нано- та електронної фізики (Journal of nano- and electronic physics) [3041]

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Showing results 2081 to 2100 of 3041
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 A Theoretical Survey on the Potential Performance of a Perovskite Solar Cell Based on an Ultrathin Organic-Inorganic Electron Transporting Layer Farhadi, B.; Zabihi, F.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, A. Article 491000176 446211921
2017 Theory of Interband Optical Absorption in Quantum Wells Based on Bulk Materials with Anisotropic Nonparabolic Bands Ivchenko, V.V.; Shcherbiuk, V.S. Article 27779422 29320256
2023 Theory of Spin Waves in a Circular Nanotube Composed of an Easy-Plane Ferromagnet. Consideration of the Dissipation for a Non-metallic External Medium Kulish, V.V. Article 133 126
2014 Thermal and Magnetic Field Sensors Based on Injection-coupled Devices Murashev, V.N.; Legotin, S.A.; Ivshin, P.A.; Tapero, K.I.; Rabinovich, O.I.; Elnikov, D.; Krasnov, A.A.; Kuz’mina, K.A. Article 153598845 -2015455959
2011 Thermal annealing behaviour on electrical properties of Pd/Ru Schottky contacts on n-type GaN Nanda, Kumar Reddy N.; Rajagopal, Reddy V. Article 1579588330 -1411694254
2017 Thermal Annealing Effect on Optical Properties of the Cadmiun Telluride Films Mazur, T.M.; Makhniy, V.P.; Prokopiv, V.V.; Slyotov, M.М. Article 14922383 19008514
2016 Thermal Conductivity of Zinc Oxide Micro- and Nanocomposites Turko, B.I.; Kapustianyk, V.В.; Rudyk, V.P.; Rudyk, Y.V. Article -1907024401 787967479
2020 Thermal Effects on the Surface Morphology of an Ion-plasma Coating Turbin, P.V.; Horokh, D.V. Article 61688 64022
2017 Thermal Modeling of an Integrated Circular Inductor Benhadda, Y.; Hamid, A.; Lebey, T. Article 4256184 6772039
2020 Thermal Performance Enhancement of a Shallow Solar Pond Based on Nanofluids Terfai, A.; Chiba, Y.; Bouaziz, M.N. Article 25937222 42321876
2022 Thermal Properties of EuO, DyO and GdO Compounds Uma, Shankar Sharma; Pankaj, Kumar Mishra; Jyoti, Mishra; Ranjeet, Brajpuriya Article -681736700 -854806856
2012 Thermal Reversible Breakdown and Resistivity Switching in Hafnium Dioxide Danilyuk, M.A.; Migas, D.B.; Danilyuk, A.L.; Borisenko, V.E.; Wu, X.; Raghavan, N.; Pey, K.L. Article 56843250 76302235
2017 Thermally Evaporated Tin Oxide Thin Film for Gas Sensing Applications Sumanta, Kumar Tripathy; Prabhakara Rao, N.V.T. Article 14664804 13268228
2019 Thermally Stimulated Luminescence and Conductivity of β-Ga2O3 Crystals Luchechko, A.; Vasyltsiv, V.; Kostyk, L.; Tsvetkova, O.; Pavlyk, B. Article 1632735353 1230017769
2014 Thermodynamic Analysis of Equilibrium Condition of Carbon-containing Atmospheres in Nanosized Carbide Structures Formation Roslyakova, L.I.; Roslyakov, I.N. Article -1323913531 -191826311
2024 Thermodynamic Analysis of the Equilibrium Vapor Phase Composition of the Cd-I2 System Rybak, O.V. Article 14 29
2018 Thermodynamic Properties of a Quantum Ring Perturbed with Quantum Wells and Impurities Solaimani, M. Article 109232 88649
2011 Thermodynamic properties of ZnO with in mie-gruneisen hypothesis Patel, A.D.; Khambholja, S.G.; Bhatt, N.K.; Thakore, B.Y.; Jani, A.B. Article 31515351 50517572
2023 Thermodynamic Study of Portland Cement Containing Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) Naoui, Y.; Chala, S.; Dorbani, T.; Bouleklab, M.C.; Barama, N.; Bacha, R.; Bdirina, M.; Revo, S.; Hamamda, S. Article 188734 247159
2018 Thermodynamical Investigation of Liquid Alkali Metals with Gibbs-Bogoliubov Method Malan, Rajesh C.; Vora, Aditya M. Article 19466563 14851517