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Showing results 10 to 16 of 16
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 The history of matches Kaba, E.A. Conference Papers 324609 654037
2014 Arguable paternity inventions Hryschenko, O.V. Conference Papers 18408607 4856141
2014 The invention of paper Lityuga, M.A. Conference Papers 477854284 1875836546
2014 The invention of an elevator Sanin, A.I. Conference Papers -540036712 -1516333463
2014 The Eye Tribe Tracker will change the world Tarasenko, Y.V.; Khmelik, L.Y. Conference Papers 20747970 26085763
2014 TOP-10 accidental inventions that changed the world Gerasimenko, P.M. Conference Papers -2037774343 -1936205453