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Title Система факторів економічного зростання: теоретико-методологічний аспект
Other Titles Economic growth factors system: theoretical and methodological aspect
Система факторов экономического роста: теоретико-методологический аспект
Authors Глуха, Г.Я.
Keywords економічне зростання
система факторів економічного зростання
екзогенні та ендогенні фактори економічного зростання
рефлекторні та пружні фактори економічного зростання
экономический рост
система факторов экономического роста
экзогенные и эндогенные факторы экономического роста
рефлекторные и упругие факторы экономического роста
economic growth
economic growth factors
economic growth exogenous and endogenous factors
reflexive and elastic economic growth factors
Type Article
Date of Issue 2014
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Глуха, Г.Я. Система факторів економічного зростання: теоретико-методологічний аспект [Текст] / Г.Я. Глуха // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. - 2014. - № 1. - С. 223-231.
Abstract Стаття присвячена аналізу теоретичних досліджень системи факторів економічного зростання: удосконалено класифікацію факторів економічного зростання, проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення екзогенних та ендогенних факторів, виділено рефлекторні та пружні фактори економічного зростання, визначено роль економічної політики як рефлекторного елемента системи забезпечення економічного зростання При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання
Статья посвящена анализу теоретических исследований системы факторов экономического роста: усовершенствована классификация факторов экономического роста, проанализированы разные подходы к определению экзогенных и эндогенных факторов, выделено рефлекторные и упругие факторы экономического роста, определена роль экономической политики как рефлекторного элемента системы обеспечения экономического роста. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку
The aim of the article. The main objective of the article is to create theoretical grounds to build the system of economic growth factors, to modernize their classification, to define exogenous and endogenous factors, to analyze them within the state economic policy structure. The results of the analysis. The article focuses on economic growth factors theoretical studies: - economic growth factors classification characteristics have been highlighted; - various approaches to determine exogenous and endogenous factors have been analyzed; - reflexive and elastic economic growth factors have been determined; - economic policy was given the role of reflective element within the system to ensure economic growth. The system of factors should be considered within the system that ensures economic growth. It comprises two important elements which enlist the economic growth factors system, economic growth rates system and two reflexive elements – the state economic policy and economic growth models system. While analyzing the economic growth factors, their quality and impact upon the economy should be considered. Economic growth depends on the factors, consideration of which is one of the most important aspects of the economic growth theory. Economic growth reasons are the factors that cause this growth. These are phenomena and processes that can increase the production output, improve efficiency and quality. Factors classification completeness and their diversity do not necessarily mean the dead end of the study. Any classification has the sense only if it fulfills the certain function. If we take into account economic growth modeling, factors diversification and their characteristics classification it implies that models are becoming more complex, the range of their parameters expands, however it does not necessarily lead to more accurate prognosis. All the factors have different impact upon the economic development. Their first type is elastic ones. These factors directly regulate the correlation between the supply and demand. For instance, net export means the increasing foreign demand for our national products; favorable weather conditions lead to the agricultural produce growing supply without any significant change in the economy. These factors rates can be measured and their impact upon economic growth can be easily determined. Another group of factors that indirectly regulate the correlation between the supply and demand are the reflexive factors. They function through structural changes, distribution and motivation system, insignificant restrictions and stimulus. These factors can only be characterized by indirect rates (human development index to measure human capital) and their impact upon economic growth, supply and demand is minor in the long run. This group enlists institutional and social factors that become more and more important in post industrial economy. Taking into account economic growth factors impact upon the supply and demand, we can sate that analysis that has been carried out provides good grounds to improve the research methodology in the field of economic growth modeling. We cannot definitely say if there are certain economic growth factors that are entirely independent from the state regulation. Firstly, government itself indirectly impacts the economic growth, by adopting new laws, for instance. Secondly, the main function of the state is to administratively regulate the economic system. This processit can lead to a significant development. Consequently the state plays one of the major roles in the economic factors development. Conclusions and directions of further researches. To ensure Ukraine’s constant economic development and to establish corresponding strategies to reach that goal it is of utmost importance to classify the economic growth factors and to study carefully their impact on the economic processes as the whole. When you are citing the document, use the following link
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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