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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 The role of educational factor in minimization of social risks of elderly Nadraga, V.I. Article 147694013 104473845
2014 Preconditions and perspectives of ukrainian energy market development Kuznietsova, K.O. Article 91795 89756
2014 The importance of employee creativity in the development of their attitudes pro-innovation Katarzyna, Z.; Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna Article 385072568 1733037148
2014 Application of cyclically oriented forecasting: modern approaches to business management Kologryvov, Ya.I. Article 396806006 -562675954
2014 Concession as the implementation of public-private partnership in sphere of tourism and recreation Hrabar, M.V. Article 969709708 1356668460
2014 State regulation of organic production in small agricultural enterprises: foreign experience and prospects of Ukraine Nazarkevych, O.B. Article 954226782 587609922
2014 Global energy conflicts and sustaіnable development risks caused by the climate changes Karaieva, N.V. Article 1706763905 2059276884
2014 Methodic foundations of the ecologically oriented consumer’s readiness analysis Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych Article -980377825 -1162567766
2014 Synchronization between Bulgarian and European legislation on conservation of air quality Stoychev, P.; Vlaknenski, T.; Chuturkova, R. Article 936500710 842680568
2014 Methodological principles of banking business cost assessment based on the method of market economic added value Krasiuk, I.V. Article 309944218 199940633