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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 The importance of employee creativity in the development of their attitudes pro-innovation Katarzyna, Z.; Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna Article -172673227 -1055691842
2014 The role of educational factor in minimization of social risks of elderly Nadraga, V.I. Article 45557700 58916144
2014 Methodic foundations of the ecologically oriented consumer’s readiness analysis Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych Article 1044123814 1488850489
2014 International dimension of technological aspect of space economy Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Zhivko, Z. Article 1398999093 1442391603
2014 Synchronization between Bulgarian and European legislation on conservation of air quality Stoychev, P.; Vlaknenski, T.; Chuturkova, R. Article 789312012 695491866
2014 Prospects for reformation of economic and legal mechanisms of subsoil use in Ukraine Semenikhina, V.V. Article 85059955 44577751
2014 Internal marketing and talent management as integral elements of employer branding strategies Lazorko, K.; Zajac, M. Article -2126644772 2018835996
2014 Methodological principles of banking business cost assessment based on the method of market economic added value Krasiuk, I.V. Article 96218729 103721905
2014 The problem of movement of capital for transnational corporations Marukyan, G.S. Article 315571799 327202802
2014 Methodology of formation of modern oriented environmental management systems in waste management Krivenko, S.V. Article -473159309 -805444892