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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Historical aspects and causes of the synergy beginning as a science Yakimtsov, V.V. Article 1872409653 -1739186770
2015 Environmental-economic conflict: conceptual complexity and management issues Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Voroshylo, Liudmyla Serhiivna Article 1376404390 1347423064
2015 Problem of identification parameters of energy-dependent economics Gaiduchok, O.V. Article 530071371 547158880
2015 Innovative-marketing directions of recreational-tourism industry in Ukraine Shevchenko, Hanna Mykolaivna; Ivanova, T.E. Article 1365523244 -123390266
2015 Economic cost analysis of service quality as a factor of sustainable development of enterprises Gritsenko, O.I. Article -864847530 1139336645
2015 Economic backgrounds, strategic guidelines and cross-cultural specificity of business relations ukrainian enterprises with chinese partners Kryvoruchko, Larysa Borysivna; Krukhmal, O.V. Article 586601189 777047197
2015 Categories of risk and damage in context of innovative ecological-economic activity’s theoretical analysis Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Petrushenko, Mykola Mykolaiovych; Shevchenko, Hanna Mykolaivna Article -1751565442 708301228
2015 Key factors of enterprise innovation activity Pichugina, M.A. Article 1371659608 -2026011889
2015 The main problems faced Ukraine in case of low-carbon economy Artemenko, L.P.; Kliukvina, M.S. Article 537223939 559279851
2015 Analysis of the level of wellbeing in Ukraine Odynets, V.A.; Ratushnyak, T.V. Article 2006746111 -958216821