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Showing results 1 to 10 of 45
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Status of Algerian women: between public policies and social practices Guedjali, A. Article 49123393 50846383
2022 Problems Of E-Governance İn Government Agencies And Their Solutions Muradov, İ. Article 698148849 -1840297538
2022 The impact of indicators of macroeconomic stability on the destructive manifestation of Covid-19 in Ukraine Kashcha, Mariia Oleksiivna; Dun, V. Article 37606674 19187168
2022 The effectiveness of employment in high-tech and science-intensive business areas as important indicator of socio-economic development: cross-country cluster analysis Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Хабенко, М.Є.; Habenko, M. Article 19757826 17778462
2022 Inflation, Foreign Exchange, Interest Rate, Trade Balance, Payment Balance on Growth In The Covid-19 Pandemic Sinaga, A.P.A. Article 4879 28598
2022 The Governance Of Arzew Port: Between The Pressure Of An Economic Challenge And The Creation Of Public Value Korbaa Fouad, M.; Ibtissem, G. Article 1538755703 -1999585504
2022 Impact of human resource management on organizational performance in Nigeria: Nigeria breweries Kaduna plc as a case study Jacob, B.J.; Ishaya, Y.; Bajama, S.Y. Article 161662 153848
2022 Public Investment in Human Capital and Economic Growth in Algeria: An empirical study using ARDL approach Ramli, M.; Boutayeba, F.; Nezai, A. Article 266967292 -247383716
2022 Knowledge asset as competitive resource Vidic, F. Article 2009 4223
2022 An examination of factors affecting tourists’ destination choice: empirical evidence from Bangladesh Mim, M.K.; Hasan, M.M.; Hossain, A.; Khan, M.Y.H. Article 984670 1712951